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任务要求:字数不多,但要求正式些,用词用句地道一点。尽量让外国人能看。留学文书。切忌机器翻译~There is a saying as follows, the future is bright, but the road is tortuous. My father gave me this name, so I think he would tell me that the life road is uneven, there will be a lot of difficulties and setbacks, there will be illness and death, joys and sorrows. So, my beloved grandfather left us when I was 14 years old, I told myself, I have to learn to face reality. When I was 18 years old, I play a failed college entrance examination because of stress and tension, I told myself I would like to be strong. After that, although my results were not ideal, I entered the University fortunately, which is a first-class comprehensive university in the province, it has more than 60 years history and has cultivated many outstanding talents. I chose the computer science major because my parents are computer science teacher at university, I came into contact with the computer when I wa a child, computers influenced me from an early age, I have a deep fate with computers. 13 years old, when I was a student in junior high school, I had received the first prize in the web page design competition in primary and secondary schools in Fujian Province. That summer when I will enter my college, I learned the C language by myself. When I use the C language to compile the first program in my life, I realized that computers can make our world become so exciting. In college, I participated in a lot of extra-curricular activities, in these activities, I have gradually overcome my nervousness, and I have slowly come to learn how to relieve stress. I won the third prize in Fresnmen English Contest at the first semester on freshman year, which is the first prize I attended the University activity among more than 400 freshmen, it made me self-confident. At the second semester on freshman year, I received second prize when I participated in the inaugural contest moderator which our college held, it made me learn how to face the aud


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