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高一新课标系统复习 Unit 5 语法综合填空 (10*3=30%) Nelson Mandela a freedom fighter was ___1___ (act的正确形式) in fighting _2__ the equal rights of the black. During the time when Mandela lived, many blacks had no rights to __3__(填写动词) and were __4__ (填写介词) work. They were put into position _5__ (填写关系副词)they had either to accept they were less important, __6__ fight the government. Mandela called the blacks to attack the law. Only when the peaceful way was of no use __7_ they answer violence __8__ violence. So to realize their dream, they __9__ (填写动词词组)some government buildings. No matter how hard they were meeting, nothing can __10__ (填写动词词组)they struggling. Key: 1, active 2, for 3, vote 4, out of 5, where/ in which 6, or 7, did 8, with 9, blew up 10, stop/ prevent Part C: 选词并以其正确形式填空 (6*3=18%) One day when we were taking an English exam, Wang Ping, sitting next to me, passed me a piece of paper and asked me to tell her the answers to the reading comprehension. As an educated student, I though it was wrong to cheat in the exam, so I __1__. After class, I tried to explain it to her, but she gave me a cold eye and wasn’t ___2_____ talk with me. ___3___, I knew she must have been angry with me. I decided to have a talk with her__4____, because I don’t __5___ to be her friend. I ____6___ things to help my friend out of trouble in a correct way. Key: 1, refused 2, willing to 3, As a matter of fact 4, sincerely 5, lose heart 6, am always doing 综合性填空: 请以括号内所给的动词正确形式,以及根据上下文来填空。(15*2=30%) We can’t help __1__ ( burst ) __2__ cheers when we heard of the news that Chinese womens team followed mens step to pull off their first ever world championships title in Aarhus of Denmark on Wednesday.___ 3____, this glory moment ___4__ ( see) all these __5___ ( determine) gymnasts’ hard efforts. In order to __6__ all the Chinese dream, they insisted they __7___ ( practise) hard day and night to fight ___8__ any difficulties. ___9__they made up their __10___, nothing can __11__ them pur


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