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此页为封面 自己设计封面,要简单明了,针对性强,必须包含的项目为: 学校名称: 姓 名: 班 级: 专 业: 联系电话: 可考虑加封面图片,彩色打印 注: 1.页眉页脚的图片可以根据需要更改或使用文字 2.自荐书中“系部推荐意见”必须为单独一页,不允许做任何修改,成绩单由系里统一打印、盖章后发给每位学生,其余各页均可根据自己的实际情况修改。 自荐信 此致 敬礼 自荐人: 年 月 日 个人简历 姓 名 性 别 出生年月 照片 民 族 身 高 政治面貌 健康状况 专 业 家庭地址 邮政编码 外语水平 计算机水平 联系 方式 电 话: E-mail 主修 课程 个人 简历 所获 奖励及证书 实习及社会实践情况 系部推荐意见 自 我 鉴 定 本人签名 年 月 日 通讯 地址 地址:西安航空学院机械学院 班 西安市西二环259号 邮编:710077 此页为成绩单: 机械学院将统一打印成绩单,盖章后发给每位同学,每人只有一份。将成绩单原件复印若干份,每次投简历时用复印件。 此页开始为证书复印件 practice activities implementation programme, and XX town party leadership party of mass line education practice activities rectification programme, and XX town carried out four wind aspects highlight problem special regulation implementation programme and XX town system construction plans,. One is to pay special attention to education. A party Lecture with 71 for all party members and cadres education, organizations watch anti-corruption warning education propaganda, promoting seven special and 9+1+X problems of rectification, Enhance the awareness of all the party members and cadres and the sense, honesty in politics and corruption of immunity. Second, well check the urge. Efforts to increase the annual implementation of the supervision to ensure completion of the various tasks. Third, conscientiously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County requirements. All party members and cadres and workers to improve the style of work of the Organization, and strive to improve the level of services and service for the masses. Four are in strict accordance with the Central eight regulations and requirements set out in provincial, city and County of ten, resolutely eliminate


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