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本 科 生 毕 业 设 计(论文) (2009届) 理学院 题 目: 学生姓名: 学 号: 专业名称: 班 级: 指导教师 姓名: 学科: 职称: 年 月 基于生态学习观的管理运筹学网站设计与开发 摘要: 在互联网已经成熟应用的今天,网站的建设对实现资源共享,信息传播起到重要的作用。为了让用户更好的处理和解决各种多规划的问题,扩展网站的功能显的刻不容缓。在基于B/S(Browser/Server结构)结构的情况下,赋予网站处理实际应用程序的功能。能更好的调试处理程序,从而更有效的发布信息和处理事件的能力。 MatLab(MATrix LABoratory)有各种处理数算法,矩阵的优势。开扩MatLab在Web项目下的应用,让用户发布自己的M文件,服务器提供让用户在线调试的扩展功能,同时为了人性化的需求以及数据的存储的高效性,安全性。涉及到数据库(Microsoft SQL Server 2000)、JS(JavaScript)脚本、CSS(Cascading Style Sheets 层叠样式表)样式和ASP.NET方面的技术。 利用C#( C-based Object Oriented Language) 语言在Microsoft Visual Studio 2008结合Microsoft SQL Server 2000 设计与开发,扩展使用MatLab提供的MatLabServer接口来实现大部分的功能需求。 关键字: B/S;MatLab;数据库(SQL);ASP.NET;脚本(JS) Abstract: Already is mature in the Internet application today, the website construction to realizes resources sharing, the information disseminates the vital role.In order to let a user better processing and solves each kind of plan problem, expands urgency which the website the function reveals.In based on B/S (the Browser/srver structure) in the structure situation, entrusts with the website processing practical application procedure the function.Can the better debugging disposal procedure, thus more effective issue information and processing event ability. MatLab (MATrix LABoratory) has each kind of processing to calculate the law, the matrix superiority.Opens to expand MatLab under the Web project application, lets the user issue own M document, the server provides lets the user online debugging the expansion function, simultaneously for user friendly demand as well as data memory highly effective, security.Involves to the database (Microsoft SQL Server 2000), the JS(JavaScript) script, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets cascading style table) the style and ASP.NET.Aspect technology. (C-based Object Oriented Language) the languag



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