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School of Government European University Centre “欧洲语境中的多元文化主义”系列讲座 Multiculturalism in the European Context September – December 2014 讲座简介 Public Seminar Description “欧洲语境中的多元文化主义”系列讲座由北京大学政府管理学院、北京大学欧洲研究中心和欧洲大学中心共同举办,主讲人来自都柏林大学学院、乌普萨拉大学、隆德大学、米兰大学、马德里自治大学等欧洲大学,他们将以各自专长从不同角度展示欧洲语境中的多元文化、移民和欧洲整合等问题。 In the frame of the course in Multiculturalism, Immigration and European Integration for Master’s and PhD students given in collaboration between the European University Centre EUC , the School of Government and the Centre for European Studies at Peking University, a series of public seminars is organised from September to December 2014. Lecturers from a number of EUC member universities Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Autonomous University of Madrid, Lund University, University College Dublin, University of Milan and Uppsala University will visit Peking University and present their current research in the field of multiculturalism, immigration and European integration. Contributions will be from a variety of perspectives such as Law, Political science, Sociology and History. 讲座时间和地点 Location and Time 2014年9-12月周五上午,北京大学政府管理学院(廖凯原楼)505室。 All seminars will be presented in English and will be held on Fridays at: School of Government of Peking University, Leo KoGuan Building, room 505 h 10:00-12:00 讲座大纲 Programme 26 September 2014 Residential concentration, ethnicity and party competition effects on the representation of immigrant-origin minorities at the local level in Spain 2003-2011 and in the Madrid Metropolitan Area 2011 Prof Santiago Pérez-Nieva, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 10 October 2014 How Do Education Programmes Develop Cultural Intelligence? Research Review and Practical Implications Dr. Jacob Eisenberg, University College Dublin 17 October 2014 Some Observations on EU’s? Border Controls during the Arab Spring Dr. Abdulhadi Khalaf, Lund University 24 October 2014 The threshold of autonomy. Relational options and decision making Prof Silvin


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