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甘肃亚盛实业(集团)股份有限公司与 内蒙古通辽市合作建立滴灌工厂发展现代农业的框架 协 议 通辽市人民政府 甘肃亚盛实业(集团)股份有限公司 甲方:通辽市人民政府 乙方:甘肃亚盛实业(集团)股份有限公司 通辽市是全国产粮大市,是全国27个百亿斤粮食地级市之一,地处玉米黄金带,年粮食产量达113亿斤,占内蒙古粮食总产量的1/4,被称为内蒙古粮仓。通辽土地肥沃,面积广阔,但水资源短缺,是全国110个缺水城市之一,水资源的不足严重制约着通辽农业的发展。节约农业用水,发展节水灌溉,保护生态环境,提高土地产出效益,增加农民收入是通辽市农业发展的现实需要和必然选择。甘肃亚盛实业(集团)股份有限公司拥有国内领先的滴灌生产技术和雄厚的施工力量。目前,正在实施“再造亚盛”目标,以期全面形成横向成群,纵向成链的现代农业发展新格局。基于上述情况,通辽市人民政府和甘肃亚盛实业(集团)股份有限公司经过坦诚交流、友好协商,决定结成战略合作伙伴,本着平等尊重、优势互补和共同发展的原则,在现代农业滴灌节水、水肥一体化项目上开展务实合作。双方就建立长期稳定的战略合作关系达成如下框架协议。 合作基础 第一条:通辽市位于内蒙古自治区东部,总面积59535平方公里,南北长约418公里,东西宽约370公里。东靠吉林省、西接赤峰市、南依辽宁省、西北和北边分别与锡林郭勒盟、兴安盟为邻,东北和华北地区的交汇处 letters and calls, and do practical things for the masses combine good, effective through reaching people at the service of the "last mile". Third, foster the development of new energy, new General Secretary XI Jinping stressed development of innovation forest restructuring, revitalization of the old industrial bases in Northeast China is the State's major strategy, Central has issued comprehensive opinions of revitalizing Northeast China and other old industrial bases, the CPC Central Committee on revitalization in Northeast China were ... Vigorous determination does not waver, the work does not slacken off. Be firm with in the development has more to do with hard, and not muddle along, passive inaction. To rely on their own efforts, can't wait, can't wait, stand still. This not only provides new opportunities for development in our region, and gave us new requirements. We must seize the opportunity, full use of national policy, has to be more complicated, to start and target, give full play to the initiative of leading cadres at all levels, active, active, focusing on building new momentum for development, accelerating transformation of forest development. To implement the new development philosophy. Philosophy is the action guide, new ideas and new developments. Carrying out innovation, coordination and development of green, open, shared ideas,


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