联合申报广东省(广州市)科技计划项目合作协议书 .doc

联合申报广东省(广州市)科技计划项目合作协议书 .doc

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联合申报广东省目合作协议书 Cooperation Agreement on Joint Application for Guangdong Province pecial Project of Collaborative Innovation and Platform Environment Construction, 2016 甲方: 中山大学第一医院Party A: The First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University 乙方: Party B: 甲乙双方本着相互协作的精神,就共同申报《》达成如下合作协议:Based on the sprite of mutual cooperation, Party A and Party B reached to the agreement on the joint application for 2016 Guangdong province special project of collaborative innovation and platform environment construction “XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX” as follows: 一、双方合作研究内容、各自的任务分工概要:Main research contents and general job assignments of the two parties: 合作研究内容:Collaborative research contents: 任务分工:甲方负责;乙方负责。Job assignment: Party A will be in charge of XXXXXXXX; and Party B will be responsible for XXXXXXXXX. 二、预期的目标和合作成果: Target and anticipated joint achievements: 三、项目获得的政府资助经费双方分配比例:Allocation of the financial funds granted by the government for the projects: 项目获得的政府资助经费将100%由使用,主要包括: The grants for the applied project w be 100% allocated to Party A mainly for: 四、该项目产生的知识产权双方共享。All the intellectual property rights generated from the projects will be shared by both of the two parties. 五、保密条款 Confidentiality 协议双方任何一方在本项目期间对以任何形式所知悉的另一方未公开的技术资料或商业秘密等负有保密义务,未经所有方同意不得擅自以任何形式告知其他任何个人或单位。 Either party shall bear confidential obligations for the unpublished technical documents or business secrets owned by the other party during the project. No matter how being aware of, any personnel in either party shall not tell the confidential contents to any other individual or unit in any form without authorization. 六、此协议一式四份,双方各持两份,具有同等法律效力。本协议只作为该项目申报时使用,自项目立项之日起生效,协议有效时间与项目合同时间一致。如该项目未获得立项,此协议自动作废。 The agreement is made in four copies, for the projects applications only. This agreement, after its being signed by the parties concerned, shall remain in force if the projects applied for is approved. Otherwise, this agreement will become invalid automatically. 八、其余未尽事宜由合作双方另行商议。 Any unsettled issues shall


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