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课时规范训练 (点此链接) 本ppt来自:千教网() 本ppt来自:千教网() ③She __________ __________ __________ __________ for the 100 metres. 她保持着100米的世界记录。 答案:①It is recorded ②keep a record of ③holds the world record 本ppt来自:千教网() [归纳拓展] (1)keep a record of 把……记录下来 make/set/create a record 创造记录 break a record 打破记录 (2)It is recorded that... 据记录……。 本ppt来自:千教网() [高考寻踪] (2015·四川完形)I had my camera ready to record what you see here. 我准备好相机来记录你在这里所见到的东西。 本ppt来自:千教网() 答案:①mix with ②mix;with 本ppt来自:千教网() [归纳拓展] (1)mix A with/and B 把A和B混在一起 mix with sb.与某人交往 be/get mixed up in sth. 和某事有牵连 (2)mixture n.混合物 a mixture of...……的混合物 (3)mixed adj. 混合的;男女混合的 have mixed feelings about... 对……怀有复杂的感情 本ppt来自:千教网() ①I dont want to be mixed up in the affair. 我不想被牵连到这件事情中去。 ②They looked at him with a mixture of horror, envy, and awe. 他们怀着一种恐惧、嫉妒和敬畏交织在一起的复杂心情望着他。 本ppt来自:千教网() 答案:go deaf 本ppt来自:千教网() [归纳拓展] go blind/mad/bad 变瞎/疯/质 go wrong/wild 出毛病/变疯狂 go pale/red/grey 变得苍白/发红/花白 go hungry 挨饿 go unnoticed/unreported/unpunished 没有被注意到/没有被报道/没有被惩罚 本ppt来自:千教网() ①Meat soon goes bad in hot weather if it isnt put in fridge. 天热时,如果不放在冰箱里,肉很容易变质。 ②He went red with anger when he heard the news. 他听到这个消息时,气得脸都红了。 注意:“go+adj.”常指“由好变坏”,由正常情况变为特殊情况,常接表示贬义或颜色的形容词。 本ppt来自:千教网() 答案:①Take note ②is noted for ③is noted as 本ppt来自:千教网() [构建→导图助记] 本ppt来自:千教网() 提示:take note of是“注意到”的意思;而take a note of是“记录;把……记下来”的意思,两者注意区分。 People were beginning to take note of her talents. 人们开始注意到她的才能。 本ppt来自:千教网() 7.By the time he was 14, Mozart had composed many pieces for the harpsichord, piano and violin, as well as for orchestras. 莫扎特到14岁的时候,不仅已经谱写了很多管弦乐曲,还谱写了许多拨弦键琴曲、钢琴曲和小提琴曲。 本ppt来自:千教网() 本ppt来自:千教网() ③By the time he arrived, his son __________ __________ already __________. 他到达时,他儿子已经死了。 答案:①have worked for ②will have learnt ③had been;dead 本ppt来自:千教网() [归纳拓展] (1)本句by the time为连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“当……的时候”,这时主句常用完成时。 By the time he got home, the light had gone out. 他到家时,灯已熄灭。 (2)by the time+一般过去时;主句时态为过去完成时。 by the time+一般现在时;主句时态用一般将来时或将来完成时。 by t


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