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数学建模工作室 * 数学建模培训讲义 第*页 mecca_zj@ 遗传算法工具箱 数学建模工作室 * 数学建模培训讲义 第*页 mecca_zj@ 主要函数 GA Genetic algorithm solver. X = GA(FITNESSFCN,NVARS) finds the minimum of FITNESSFCN using GA. NVARS is the dimension (number of design variables) of the FITNESSFCN. FITNESSFCN accepts a vector X of size 1-by-NAVRS, and returns a scalar evaluated at X. X = GA(FITNESSFCN,NAVRS,OPTIONS) finds the minimum for FITNESSFCN with the default optimization parameters replaced by values in the structure OPTIONS. OPTIONS can be created with the GAOPTIMSET function. 数学建模工作室 * 数学建模培训讲义 第*页 mecca_zj@ GA X = GA(PROBLEM) finds the minimum for PROBLEM. PROBLEM is a structure that has the following fields: fitnessfcn: Fitness Function nvars: Number of design variables options: Options structure created with GAOPTIMSET randstate: Optional field to reset rand state randnstate: Optional field to reset randn state [X, FVAL] = GA(FITNESSFCN, ...) returns FVAL, the value of the fitness function FITNESSFCN at the solution X. [X,FVAL,REASON] = GA(FITNESSFCN, ...) returns the REASON for stopping. 数学建模工作室 * 数学建模培训讲义 第*页 mecca_zj@ GA [X,FVAL,REASON,OUTPUT] = GA(FITNESSFCN, ...) returns a structure OUTPUT with the following information: randstate: State of the function RAND used before GA started randnstate: State of the function RANDN used before GA started generations: Total generations, excluding HybridFcn iterations funccount: Total function evaluations message: GA termination message [X,FVAL,REASON,OUTPUT,POPULATION] = GA(FITNESSFCN, ...) returns the final POPULATION at termination. [X,FVAL,REASON,OUTPUT,POPULATION,SCORES] = GA(FITNESSFCN, ...) returns the SCORES of the final POPULATION. 数学建模工作室 * 数学建模培训讲义 第*页 mecca_zj@ 例子(寻找最小值) 函数: function y = two_mi


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