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Chapter 2 Mode of thinking and language Q: thinking pattern and language,which of the twodo you think is the shaping element? Discussion: English and Chinese mode of thinking differ from each other in many aspects , can you think of any? 英汉思维差异—悟性与理性 英汉思维差异从哲学角度来概括可视为理性(reason)与悟性(perception)差异: 汉语深受儒、道、佛三种哲学的影响,重视悟性阐发,不喜一览无余。这在文学、书画、园林设计、文字上都可见一斑。因而,汉语语言具有直觉性、形象性特点,表达形象、意象、象征、联想、想象的词语(如比喻、成语、谚语)相当丰富,用词具体,常以实的形式表达虚的概念。 英语思维深受亚里士多德的形式逻辑的影响,即16-18世纪欧洲风行的理性主义。强调科学的实验,注重形式论证。表现在语言上即强调形态的外露及形式上的完整。因而在把汉语一些文学作品(尤其是诗歌)译成英语时总让人非常狼狈,因为不得不把原来含蓄深藏的东西明白无余地说出来。 英汉思维差异在语言上的体现 悟性与理性的思维差异体现在语言上有以下几点: 汉语重意合(parataxis),英语重形合(hypotaxis) 汉语重语言排列的整体性(synthetic),英语重分析性(analytic) 汉语重语言的具体性(concrete),英语重抽象性(abstract) 英语句式繁复(complex),汉语句子简短(simplex) 汉语倾向人称表达(personal) ;英语倾向非人称表达(impersonal) 。 汉语语篇的叙述方式是先描写后总结(specific-to-general);英语语篇则是先总结后描述(general-to-specific)。 汉语语义模糊性(ambiguity)较大,歧义现象较多;英语语言逻辑性较强,语义较严密。 2.1Hypotactic vs.Paratactic(形合与意合) can you work out the english version of the sentences below? 不到黄河心不死。 until all is over, ambition never dies. 有饭大家吃。 let everybody share the food if there is any. 物极必反 once a certain limit is reached, a change in the opposite direction is inevitable. all was cleared up some time later when news came from a distant place that an earthquake was felt the very day the little copper ball fell. 过了些时候,从远方传来了消:在小铜球坠落的当天,确实发生了地震。这一切终于得到了澄清。 when i try to understand what it is that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect, it seems to me that there are two causes, of which one goes much deeper than the other. 为什么如此多的美国人不能如想象中那样幸福呢?我认为原因有二,而两者之间又有主次之分。 In English.clauses or phrases are coordinated (并列)with or subordinated(丛属) to one another syntactically while in Chinese the clauses and phrases are placed one after another without coordinating connectives(并列连词). its your turn 人不犯我,我不犯人。 We will not attack unless we are attacked. 说是说了,没有结果。 I’ve made proposals, but they proved futile. 他不来,我就不去。 If he won’t come here, I’ll not go


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