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Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World Cultural Corner Leading in 1.What does the name of the song “the Descendants(传人)of the Dragon” mean? 2.Can you think of some Chinese descriptions about dragons? dragon Read the passage quickly and do True or False: (1)Dragons are widely talked about in the world. (2)Dragons disappeared from the earth long time ago. T F Dragons didn’t actually exist on the earth. Comprehension—fast reading (3)The emperor and other members of the royal family wore clothes with a dragon with five claws of the same colour. F The emperor wore clothes with a dragon with five claws and other members of the royal family wore clothes with a dragon with fewer claws of different colours. In Chinese culture Dragons are _________ and ______, although they can be _________________. The dragon was closely connected to the ______ ______. If you were born in the year of the dragon, you are __________, _______and a ________ _______. generous wise unpredictable royal intelligent brave natural leader family 1.What do Chinese think of dragons? 2.What do westerners think of dragons? Generous, wise, unpredictable, brave, and closely connected to the royal family. Dragons are dangerous and have a negative reputation. But the red dragon on the Welsh flag is a positive symbol. Comprehension—careful reading and answer. In western culture Dragons had a different ___________. In the story, the dragon is __________. However, in Wales, the _____ dragon which appears on the Welsh flag is a ________ symbol, indicating _________ and a sense of ________ ________. reputation dangerous red positive strength national identity People can use some animals to express special meanings. Discuss and guess the Chinese meanings of the following English sentences. 掩耳盗铃。 爱屋及乌。 江山易改,本性难移。 (1)The cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream. (2)A fox may grow grey, but never good. (3)Love me, love my dog. Comprehension—post reading—Discussion (4)It is a poor


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