Competitivness is regarded as a positive quality.doc

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Competitivness is regarded as a positive quality

Competitiveness is regarded as a positive quality for people in most societies. How does competitiveness affect individuals? Is it a positive or negative trend? A 有竞争意识 B 不断接受教育和培训(undergo training),增加知识(acquire knowledg C 成为全能的个人(well-rounded individuals),挖掘自己的潜能(fulfill one’s potential) A 有竞争意识 B 有必胜的信心 (attitude to succeed),即便在逆境中(in the face of adversity)C 更加容易获得成功(achieve success) A 有竞争意识 B 人们想着自己的利益(obsessed with self-interest),为了成功牺牲朋友 (at the cost of friendship)C 社会缺乏凝聚力(society is fragmented) In todays society, more and more work is done by machines. Do you think the positive effects of the development overweigh the negative effects on individuals and society? A 依赖机器 B 完成很多体力工作(manual work) C 鼓励雇主裁员(cut jobs),失业率让 社会不稳定(social unrest) 举例:农业机械化(mechanised farming)导致乡村人口减少(rural depopulation) A 依赖机器 B 完成很多单调的工作(tedious work),包括家务(household chores) C 人 们可以更好的平衡工作和家庭(juggle their careers and family lives), 有时间休闲(leisure activities) A.机器完成大量重复任务(repetitive tasks ) B. 人类可以全身心投入技术研发(research and development),提高技能 (upgrade skills) C. 推进科技的发展和技术的革新 (promote innovation) Some people think that men and women have different qualities. Therefore, some certain jobs are suitable for men and some jobs are suitable for women. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 男女 A 女性不够强壮,缺乏劳动力技能(physical skills) B 不能做一些体力活(labour-intensive work) C 从事不了一些需要身体强度(physical strengthen)的行业 A 女性有照顾人的天性(Have an innate caring role), 母性(maternity instinct) B 更加愿意体谅别人(empathise with others) C 在家里照顾小孩 (fulfil child-rearing responsibilities) 或者做护士和教师 A 女性已经接受大学教育(pursue a university degree) B 可以做很多工作,包括脑力工作 (intellectual work) C 性别的差异应该减少 (Redress gender imbalance) 背景化:办公室工作(safer, office-based jobs)增加 Some people think the governments should act to decide how people live in order to make a healthier life. Others think individual should decide their own lifestyle. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 政府 A 政府决定 B 人们减少不健康的生活方式(life-damaging habits) C 不至于占用过多医疗资源(place a


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