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Environment Ray: The weather is great today! Do you want to skate with me? Cpb: Good idea! But I feel my throat is little pain, and you can see in the Baidu weather forecast, this week Harbin PM2.5 is serious. I’m afraid that my throat can’t afford it. Ray: what a pity! Damn it! The bad environment! I heard that Beijing, Shanghai, and two-thirds area of china have suffered from the PM2.5. Since 2008, China have had lots of natural disasters, like earthquake, flood and the PM2.5, do you know why it happened? Cpb: Talk about why it happened, I have many idea. We can divide the environment problem into three parts: air problem, soil problem and water problem. Ray: Wow! You have a nice idea! In my hometown water problem is serious. When I was a child, I always swim in the river in my hometown and the river is clean and there are lots of fish in it. But in 2000, in order to improve the GDP of my hometown, a big papermaking factory was built in upper reaches. As you know, papermaking factory is also the polluted water factory. Since the papermaking factory began to produce, the clean river has to say goodbye to me. I have swam again in the river, but after that, I got skin allergy. Until today I haven’t touch the river again. Cpb: My god! So do i! In my hometown air problem is the most serious one. You know that there are lots of coal in Pingdingshan, so there many heat-engine plant surround my hometown. More and more heat-engine plant was built and the price of electric is cheaper, but the air condition in my hometown became bad. More and more people have throat pain in recent years, and sometime in a sunny day, I even can’t see the sun clearly. I have saw in internet that the polluted air can hurt not only my throat but also my eyes, my nose, my skin……it’s horrible, right? Ray: Uh……….Can we solve these problem? If we don’t deal with it, I’m afraid that my hometown, my country even the world will have a dark future. Cpb: Right, but environment problem is not easy to solv


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