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XX最新儿童节活动策划案 方案:欢度童年 拥抱快乐 放放飞梦想 二、活动目的 本次活动旨旨在给留守儿童带来一个快乐乐的节日,让他们在儿童节收收获属于他们的快乐和欢笑,,在他们的成长之路上留下一一段美好的记忆。在六一儿童童节到来之际,西北农林科技技大学经济管理学院义务服务务队将准备一场精彩的欢乐会会,携手武功县小学与孩子们们共渡六一,让他们拥抱属于于自己的节日的同时展现大学学生乐观积极的生活态度。 三、活动时间 5月31日日14:30-16:30 小学全体老师师,学生及家长 五、活动流流程 一)活动前期: 组织活动动的开展及组织机构如下: ① 电机组: ② 奖品准备组 ③安全管理组 有节目及及任务的除外) 负责学生所所有安全隐患的排查及纪律管管理工作。 ④主持人 准备备主持台词并现场主持 ⑤宣宣传活动组 做好宣传板,通通知公告,活动海报,横幅及及后期宣传工作 ⑥评比组 负责活动中成绩的收集、名名次统计整理、报送 ⑦后勤勤组 可适当协调,交换负责责后勤工作 ⑧场地布置组 负责场地桌子的布置、收放 ⑨六一活动总负责人 负责指指导各小组的各项活动内容 二)活动进行阶段: 环节一:欢度童年 拥抱抱快乐 ) 环节三:放飞梦想 三)活活动后期 1、讲安安全:按要求活动,服从负责责人的安排,不得擅自行动。。 2、讲文明:自觉排队,,不乱挤,礼貌谦让。 3、、讲卫生:搞好个人卫生,不不乱丢果壳、纸屑、包装袋等等废弃物,并能主动收拾身边边垃圾。活动结束后,打扫干干净活动场所。。 4、讲纪纪律:统一着装,遵守各项规规定,有事请假。 5、加强强责任心,确保无事故。 construction, mechanism construction and quantitative assessment, give full play to the assistant role of leadership, actively promote the innovation of research information development, and vigorously promote the research work of information to mention upgrading, efforts to improve the ability and level of decision-making.(a) adhere to the decision in the first place. To make the decision service as the focus of the work, participate in the point, and in the key place, in order to promote the democratization of decision-making, scientific advice. Based on the city's youth career "11th Five-Year" good bureau and the Communist Youth League work across the development, focus on the implementation of Scientific Outlook on Development theory and practice subject adolescents and youth work process of building a socialist harmonious society, pay close attention to the global, strategic, forward-looking major problems, grasp the overall situation, pay attention to plan and implement the specific tasks assigned by the leadership from the overall situation, think ahead on major issues concerning the overall situation, in-depth Study, grasp the dynamic, put forward suggestions, reflect in time.(two) adhere to the investigation. As an important way to firmly grasp the i


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