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1. There can be no collapse in the property market because sellers have a real _______ to sell if they cant make last years prices. A) Reluctance? ?? ?B) manipulation? ?? ? C) recommendation? ? D) justification 2. Although any destruction of vitamins caused by food irradiation could be ________ the use of diet supplements, there may be no protection from carcinogens that some fear might be introduced into foods by the process. A) counterbalanced by??B) attributed to? ?? ? C) inferred from? ?D) stimulated by 3. The rose may grow as low bush or as a tree, ________. A) depends on how it is pruned? ?? ?? ? B) depending on how to prune C) to depend on how to prune? ?? ?? ? D) depending on how it is pruned 4. The Chisos Mountains in Big Bend National Park in Texas were created by volcanic eruption that occurred _________. A) the area in which dinosaurs roamed? ?? ?? ? B) when dinosaurs roamed the area C)?did dinosaurs roam the area? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? D) dinosaurs roaming the area 5. Her 30-year study of the Gombe National Park chimpanzees is the largest continuous field project ever recorded. It has made her ---and the chimpanzees---a living _____.earning her honorary degree, doctorates and wildlife conservation awards all over the world. A) legend? ?? ?? ?B) specimen? ?? ?C) maximum? ?? ?D) document 6. A century ago the physicians word was ______ to doubt it was considered almost sacrilegious A) inevitable? ?? ? B) intractable? ?? ?C) incontrovertible? ???D) objective 7. Sometimes patients suffering from severe pain can be helped by “drugs” that arent really drugs at all ______ sugar pills that contains no active chemical elements. A) or rather? ?? ? B) but rather? ?? ? C) rather than? ?? ???D) other than 8. In the popular Western imagination, India continues to be a country in backwardness and poverty will little to show _______ scientific innovation or technological achievement. A) for want of? ?? ?? ? B) in gratitude to? ?? ? C) in contact with? ???D) by way of 9. There i


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