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Error_code Runway::can_depart(const Plane current) /* Post: If possible, the Plane current is added to the departing Queue ; otherwise, an Error_code of overflow is returned. The Runway statistics are updated. Uses: class Extended queue . */ { Error_code result; if(takeoff.size()queue_limit) result=takeoff.append(current); else result=fail; num_takeoff_requests++; if(result!=success) num_takeoff_refused++; else num_takeoff_accepted++; return result; } Error_code Runway::activity(int time, Plane moving) /* Post: If the landing Queue has entries, its front Plane is copied to the parameter moving and a result land is returned. Otherwise, f the takeoff Queue has entries, its front Plane is copied to the parameter moving and a result takeoff is returned. Otherwise,idle is returned. The Runway statistics are updated. Uses: class Extended queue . */ { Runway_activity in_progress; if (!landing.empty( )) { landing.retrieve(moving); land_wait += time-moving.started( ); num_landings++; in_progress = land; landing.serve( ); } else if (!takeoff.empty( )) { takeoff.retrieve(moving); takeoff_wait+=time-moving.started( ); num_takeoffs++; in_progress = flyingoff; takeoff.serve( ); } else{ idle_time++; in_progress = idle; } return in_progress; } Plane Initialization * Chapter 3 QUEUES 1. Specifications for Queues 2. Implementation of Queues 3. Contiguous Queues in C++ 4. Demonstration and Testing 5. Application: Airport Simulation 6. Pointers and Pitfalls A Queue is a data structure in which insertions take place at one end and deletions take place at the opposite end. 3.1 Specifications for Queue Characteristic: First In First Out 2 3 4 1 1 1 2 2 front rear Queue :: Queue( ); Post: The Queue has been creat


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