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计算机科学与工程系 计算机科学与工程系 Chapter 1 Introducer Research Content of DS Conceptions Terms What is a algorithm? How to analyze algorithms? 1.1 Research Content of DS 1)Steps to resolve problems using computer Analyze the problem Kind of problems numeric 总额为一元的硬币,问1,2,5分硬币各几枚? no-numeric students select courses. “student” Table “course” Table “selection” Table eg:File System in OS 1.1 Research Content of DS 1) Data:Everything that computers could understand, it’s a symbol. Numeric:integer、real No-numeric:student info、sales order 2) Data Element:unit in data. Data ? set (collection). Element ? everyone in the set. 3) Data Item: unit in data element, it is the smallest unit consist in element(atomicity,原子性). eg: student info ? sno,sex,name,age … 5) Data Type: Collection of values that having same attribute, and some operations can be put on them. Atomic Type:It’s can’t be divide any more. Structural Type:It’s can be divide into smaller type. 6) ADT(Abstract Data Types):Defined by users, to describe the real problem’s Model and Operations on it. Notice: ADT just only described the Logistic Structure of itself, and Nothing about it’s Physic Structure. ADT=(D,S,P) D: Data Objects;S: Relations;P: Operations 本书抽象数据类型定义格式 ADT 抽象数据类型名 { 数据对象: 数据对象的定义 数据关系: 数据关系的定义 基本操作: 基本操作的定义 } 基本操作的定义: 操作名(参数表) 操作结果:操作结果描述 例 :整数的抽象数据类型(ADT)定义 ADT IntegerNumber { Objects: 一个整数的有序子集合。 Function: Boolean IsPositive (x) : if (x0) 返回True ; else 返回False IntegerNumber Add (x, y) : if (x+y=MaxInt) 返回 x+y; else 返回MaxInt IntegerNumber Subtract (x, y) : …… Boolean Equal (x, y) : if (x==y) 返回True; else 返回 False } ADT IntegerNumber 1.3 Algorithm 1) Definition An algorithm


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