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1.坚持科学发展、和谐发展、和平发展 Employ a scientific approach to development, and maintain harmony and peace during development LCS: pursue development based on the scientific approach, harmony and peace LCS: Adopt a scientific approach to development, a process that emphasizes harmony and peace 2.全面落实科学发展观(LCS:全面是指从各个方面) LCS: Comprehensively implement the scientific approach to development 3.推动经济社会发展切实转入科学发展轨道 Economic and social development to adopt scientific approaches LCS: Steer economic and social development into a scientific course. 4.科学发展Develop with a scientific approach 5.走科学发展道路Employ a scientific approach to development 6.科学民主决策Rational and democratic decisions Scientific decisions没什么意义。 LCS:在此文件中,建议保留scientific。关于科学的含义,有许多争议。 7.中央The national leadership/the central Party and government authorities(原为:the central authorities) 8.今年提出GDP增长8%左右的指标The proposed GDP growth target this year is around 8%. LCS: This year, the GDP growth target is set at round 8%.(强调“提出”) 9.文化体育事业进一步繁荣Culture and sports made further progress. 10.关心支持残疾人事业的发展Support programs for the physically and mentally challenged persons. LCS: Support programs for people with disabilities. LCS:几个词的演变:disabled persons, physically and mentally challenged persons, persons with disabilities 11.我们要发展老龄事业We will develop old age programs.或者:… Programmes for the elderly. 12.经济运行中的关键问题Key issues in economic activities 13.解决了三千万农村人口安全用水问题We made safe drinking water available to an additional thirty million rural residents. 或者:We provided access to safe-drinking water for an additional thirty million rural residents. 14.制定措施解决农民工问题Formulate policies to address migrant worker discrimination in cities 15.要抓紧解决下岗职工就业问题We need to provide reemployment for laid-off workers. LCS: We must act promptly to get the laid-off workers reemployed. LCS: …to help laid-off workers find jobs 16.国有企业历史遗留问题The perennial problems with SOEs LCS: The chronic/lingering problems with SOEs 17.解决群众关心的看病难问题Address public concerns in access to med


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