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智课网TOEFL备考资料《新托福专项进阶-初级写作》【WORD版】 摘要: 你是刚刚备考托福写作么?是不是对托福写作不是很了解?很多问题困扰着你,别怕!今天小编向你推荐一本《新托福专项进阶-初级写作》,这本书就是专门为刚刚备考的你准备的,我们一起来看看精彩内容。 今天小编为大家推荐一本叫《新 托福 专项进阶-初级写作》,这本书专门为刚刚备考 托福写作 的人准备的,各位考生如果你刚刚备考那么久一起来看看吧。 《新 托福考试 专项进阶:初级写作》是《 新托福 考试专项进阶》系列丛书之一,从托福考试所考查的听、说、读、写四项技能入手,为考生提供了详尽的考试指导,并将各技能分为初、中、高三级,通过独特的“进阶训练”方式,再辅以大量练习,让考生逐步掌握托福实考的技巧,同时切实提高英语实际运用能力,从而在短期内轻松取得托福高分。本丛书内容编排由易到难,循序渐进,实战性强,是不可多得的 托福备考 资料。 本丛书引进自韩国多乐园出版社。该社成立于1977年,在韩国英语教育出版领域始终处于领军地位。本丛书被韩国众多学校和培训机构指定为课堂教材,在托福考生中享有较高声誉。 《新托福专项进阶-初级写作》目录 Contents Introduction How to Use This Book PART 1 Essential Grammar for Writing Unit 1 Basic Sentence Structure / Gerunds / Infinitives Unit 2 Participles / Voice Unit 3 Parallelism / Comparison Unit 4 Noun Clauses / Adjective Clauses Unit 5 Adverb Clauses / Conditionals PART 2 Essential TOEFL Collocations Unit 6 School & Education Unit 7 Family & Society Unit 8 Economy & Business Unit 9 Living & Thinking Unit 10 Culture & Leisure Unit 11 Health & Environment Unit 12 Science & Technology PART 3 Essential Patterns & Expressions Unit 13 Agree / Disagree I Unit 14 Agree / Disagree II Unit 15 Preference I Unit 16 Preference II 以上就是小编为大家准备的《新托福专项进阶-初级写作》的部分内容,各位考生这是一本非常不错的用书,非常值得拥有哦,点击下载按钮获取本书全部内容。 相关推荐: ETS托福写作模版分享 新托福185道作文题目分类【考生必看】 托福tpo综合写作文本 相关字搜索: 新托福专项进阶 districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often deployed at dawn, Mao Ta, Sheng Tang Hong Kong fringe areas, and sometimes invasive South of the River, atdistricts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often deployed at dawn, Mao Ta, Sheng Tang Hong Kong fringe areas, and sometimes invasive South of the River, atd


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