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2005年春季英语中级口译第一阶段考试(试卷) SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST(45 minutes) Part A: Spot Dictation As crime skyrockets in many communities, people are finally beginning to look for long-lasting. Effective answers to stem the tide of juvenile crime. Reaching the youth who have committed a crime before they become ________(1) is an essential step in reversing the crime trend. One _______(2) may be the establishment of teen court. Teen court is known as a sentencing court for youths who have _______(3). Teen courts primarily deal with first-time offenders. After arrest, the young offender must _________(4) to the charge in juvenile court. With ________(5), the offender agrees to be sentenced and abide by the decision of peer jury __________(6). Another essential component to teen court is that, as part of the sentence, the offender must sit in on one of more future peer juries to _________(7) for other offenders. For example, a county teen court in lllinois gives young offenders a chance to ________(8) their arrests from their permanent record by _________(9) or other duties ordered by the court. Teen court is not a trial court. All teens admit their guilt and _________(10) a sentence given to them by a jury of their peers. A judge is present to _________(11) of the court. The teen court alleviates the strain on the _________(12) and has been implemented in __________(13) since the first teen court opened in Odessa, Texas. Beside giving the offender a second chance, it gives the youth_________(14) in the judicial process. The purpose of the teen court, aside from sentencing youth offenders, is to ________(15) both the offenders and the teen volunteers while simultaneously promoting __________(16) between defendants, the community, and the police. By offering this _________(17) system, teen court allows those teens who have made a bad decision an opportunity to ________(18) and learn from it. At the same time those teens learn________(19). The police, the community, and the ______


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