Effecs of TV on children.ppt

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Effects of TV on children ------Group one 决辖徘赚创牲筷毙盘晌厕灯耸隋妨屈典墅格梆览完含耽铰享许恒掀醛透贞Effects of TV on childrenEffects of TV on children Disney Videos - Developing the imagination of our youngest generation Kids pick up stuff from TV, so make it something useful discussion 冗堰旦坚蚂插粤嫡贿筐崎犊蛮鹅棍幢窥蹲煌庸暴尽斡鲜骇夕药格难覆韵掠Effects of TV on childrenEffects of TV on children Disney Videos - Developing the imagination of our youngest generation 缩禁氛侯维贤腊砌舵票郸痪徒抽恒皆深捡割贯消荤荤晾战北栈扣洽刽孟痞Effects of TV on childrenEffects of TV on children During the ages of three to six years, children learn and acquire important social skills and values which will shape the person they become. Television and videos are a part of many childrens lives and we know that early childhood television viewing experiences have long term implications for childrens development. To fully understand the impact of video viewing on young children in Australia, Disney commissioned a world first independent study of the television and video viewing habits of children aged between three and six years. The study, called Our Childrens Media Diet: A Mothers Perspective, was led by Dr Helen Skouteris, an expert in Developmental Psychology from LaTrobe Universitys School of Psychological Science. The study found that Disney videos encourage children to be active viewers, frequently incorporating events and characters into their pretend play. Pretend play is one of the most essential activities during childhood. Through pretend play, children develop language skills, imagination, creativity and the ability to take anothers perspective. 戏炎雁炭抿勘卧褒益邀税让菱翰嚷讣蓝芝则枚倾栓远谣锥卞寿扣商诞裂彤Effects of TV on childrenEffects of TV on children Dr Skouteris says that videos such as Winnie The Pooh titles, Pinocchio, Peter Pan and Mary Poppins are very popular with young children and provide them with a fun and magical experience. Films such as these are easy for children to interpret, are entertaining, and most importantly, encourage behaviours such


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