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* 校验传动比误差 Check the error of speed ratio 3. 校验速度 Check peripheral velocity 三、确定长度Ld和中心距a Length of belt and centre-to-centre distance 初定中心距 Owing to: 0.7(D1+D2)≤a≤2(D1+D2) → 初取 a0= D1+D2 =100+260=360mm 2. 确定带长Ld 3. 求实际中心距a The final centre-to-centre distance 4. 校验包角α1 Check the arc of contact 四、确定带根数Z Numbers of belt Initial tension Force acting on the shaft 思考题 思考题 思考题 思考题 应力 弹性滑动 弹性滑动 打滑 二、带型号、长度和根数确定 Sections, length and numbers of the belt 型号Sections =f(Pd,n1) Pd↑、n1 ↓(低速重载Low-speed and heavy-load)→选截面较大 的V带Select V-belts of larger cross-sectional dimensions: C、D、E型; Pd↓ 、n1 ↑(高速轻载 High-speed and light-load)→选截面较小的V带 Select V-belts of smaller cross-section dimensions : Y、Z、A型 2.长度 Length The final centre-to-centre distance is determined from the standard belt length. 3. 根数 Numbers 否则,受力严重不均。 Otherwise, nonunniform load exerted on the V-belts of a set will become very obvious. § 2-4 张紧装置 Tension device of the belt drive 一、原因 Purpose: 带传动工作一定时间之后 A belt drive runs for a long time→ 带的塑性伸长、松弛Excessive stretch→F0↓→重新张紧 Once again tension 二、方式 Methods 定期张紧 Periodic tension: 中心距可调 The distance between pulleys can be adjusted 中心距不可调 The distance between pulleys can not be adjusted (张紧轮 Idler) 2. 自动张紧 Automatic tension : 定期张紧 Periodic tension 自动张紧 Automatic tension 带轮通常由三部分组成: 轮缘 轮毂 轮辐或腹板 § 2-5 带轮结构 带传动设计实例 Design example of belt drive 带式运输机如图所示 Belt conveyer is shown in Fig 已知 Known data: F=5000N、v=0.4m/s、D =300mm、 载荷平稳 Steady load、 两班制 Two-shift operation。 设计步骤 Design procedure: 电机选择Select motor 总传动比及其分配 Determine and distribute speed ratio 运动学计算Kinematics calculations 一、传动装置总体设计 Total design of driving device 二、传动件设计 Design of power transmission parts (带 Belt、齿轮 Gear、链 Chain) 三、装配图设计 Assembly drawing (轴 Shaft、轴承 Bearing、键Key) 四、零件图设计 Parts drawing 五、说明书 Instrument book 总体设计 Tot


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