托福机经预测9月12 and 13日抢先版综合口语.docx

 托福机经预测9月12 and 13日抢先版综合口语.docx

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托福机经9月12/13日抢先版综合口语SPEAKING 3  1、★★★★★ 学校要建一个新auditorium(State Uni.),原因是原来那个太旧了,然后学校人数增多,坐不下。但是男生不同意这个观点,说旧的东西很重要,因为是学校里是一部分,并且从来没有看到这个auditorium坐满了,所以根本不必要扩大。 2、★★★★★ 一个专业是科学的学生写了一封信,说请求学校不要让他们这些理科生上作文课了。两个理由,一个是,我们是理科生,以后是科学家,又不是那些文科生,没必要写这么多作文。第二个理由是,我们平时很忙,没时间上这些没用的棵。那些文科生上课那么少,我们上课这么多,不公平。 然后两个同学讨论。男生说,那个学生真是不知道他在说什么。他用他老爸做例子。 my father is professor in science, but he said as a scientist, you should not only conduct research and experiment, but also need to explain your results in words and interpret them to the public. 另外一个理由是,我们文科生生活也不容易呀,要看的材料多如牛毛,你怎么就说不公平呢?大家都有难念的经呀。 3、★★★★★ 阅读:说学校有新规定,跷课4次以上要给很低的分。 听力:女学生说没意思,反正我最多只逃2到3次。男学生也说没意思,反正每个教授都有自己的规定,学校的规定不会有影响。 4、★★★★★ 大学报纸宣布,毕业典礼将分两天。The university newspaper announced that the graduation ceremony will be split over two days. The decision is based on the following reasons: first, the number of students graduated this year has risen; therefore, the ceremonys duration will be quite long. Secondly, each student can invite their guests to their graduation ceremony; however, the auditorium is too small to hold the entire student body and their guests. 5、★★★★★ 学校要把TV从Dinning hall移走,男同学不同意,给两个理由。 6、★★★★★ 读:有个学生写了封信,要求挪走学校没人骑的自行车,理由1)可能是不要了的,2)占地方 听:学生同意。只记得有一个理由是没地方锁自己的车了,要在dining hall吃饭,必须把车锁在另外的building走过去。 7、★★★★★ 学校要弄一个新的mentoring program, 是let fourth grade student to mentor first year students。有两个好处: (1) to help 1st year student,help 1st year student adapt to college life more quickly, because senior students know much more than the freshmen; (2) to help 1st year student to know some senior students to expand social connection。 听力: woman同意这个plan,理由有二: (1) 大一的小P孩都不知道,比如说schedule change,building location,他们都不知道,所以有个人能deliver those information的话会很有帮助; (2) 他大一的时候认识的人都是大一的或者住在一起的很局限,能认识更多不同年级的人的话会更好。 8、★★★★★ Reading proposal:The student suggests the university to allow students to have classes outside. Reason1:Fresh air ,students can better concentrate in a new environment Reason2:They can put a bench or something on t


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