The Elizabethan Literature(伊丽莎白一世时期的文学作品).ppt

 The Elizabethan Literature(伊丽莎白一世时期的文学作品).ppt

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Unit 1 The Elizabethan Literature William Shakespeare Outline Warm-up The Renaissance William Shakespeare Shakespeare's Sonnets Analysis of Sonnet 18 Homework Warm-up 1. Have you ever heard the English Renaissance? 2. Do you know Shakespeare and His plays? The Renaissance 14th---17th century The rise of the bourgeoisie an intellectual movement "Renaissance," French for "rebirth,“ describes the intellectual and economic changes that occurred in Europe First begin in Florence, Italy , in 14th century, gradually spread all over Europe. Two Features of The Renaissance 1. a thirsting curiosity for the classical literature of the Greek and Latin. They caught something in spirit very different from the medieval Catholic dogma and expressed the general dissatisfaction at the Catholic and feudal ideas. 2. the keen interest in the activities of humanity. They emphasize the new feeling of admiration for human beauty and human achievement. Humanism It is the key-note of the Renaissance. It reflected the new outlook of the rising bourgeois class. Man could mould the world according to his desire and attain happiness by removing all external checks by the exercise of reason. English Renaissance a cultural and artistic movement in England "the age of Shakespeare" or "the Elizabethan era" p65-66 Philosopher: Thomas More, Francis Bacon Poet: Thomas Wyatt, Edmund Spenser Playwright: Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593) William Shakespeare (1564-1616) Ben Jonson (1572-1637) P67-68 William Shakespeare English playwright and poet, recognized in much of the world as the greatest of all dramatists. His remarks of wit To be or not to be; that is the question. Hamlet (Act III, Scene I) Brevity is the soul of wit. Hamlet (Act II, Scene II) 简洁是智慧的灵魂。 You have too much respect upon the world: They lost it that do buy it with much care.


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