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哈尔滨高中英语 篇一:哈尔滨市2015年一模英语答案 2015年高考一模英语学科答案 听力: 1-5CABAB6-10ACCAA11-15CBBCB16-20ACBBA 阅读答案: 21—25BCC AD 26—30BD CAC 31—35 DC D B D 36—40CFBAE 完型填空 41--45BCADC 46-50 BDABC 51--55 ADCBA 56--60DCDAB 语法填空答案: 61. rarely62. them63. which / that 64. including65. are supposed 66. educators 67. Although/Though/While 68. in 69. turned 70. the 改错: Dear Susan, Thank you for your letter. Due to the fact that I on business in another city, I couldnt reply to your letter. Now I am writing to tell you First of all, two subways and some expressways have been built in my city to ease the traffic traffic jams and accidents. Third, public transportation has been improved to make Now there are more buses and cars in my city. The traffic is flowing Can you tell me something about the traffic in your city? Yours, Li Hua 作文:As is demonstrated in the bar chart, great mind worship occupies 47% of the idol worship, followed by celebrity worship which gains the percentage of 38%. 11% of the students surveyed adore people around them, for instance, teachers, parents or friends. Students without idols account for the rest of 4%. Apparently, idol worship has become a common social phenomenon among the adolescents. There is no denying that idol worship inspires us to focus on their achievements, which come from diligence, effort and persistence. However, blind worship is not supposed to be advocated because it will lead to extreme behaviors easily. As far as I am concerned, we should avoid blind worship and learn to worship our idols rationally. 篇二:2015哈市市模英语试题 篇三:哈尔滨其它的私立中学一览表 哈尔滨其它的私立中学一览表 德强学校 教学科室:物理、化学、生物综合实验室,阶梯教室、阅览室、微机室、语音室、体育馆、游泳馆、塑胶运动场。 师资力量:特教12人,高教72人,全国优秀教师8人,市中青年骨干教师12人。 收费情况:小学、初中、高中均按市教委规定一类学校标准收费。 通勤情况:26台通勤车负责接送学生上、下学,同时学生可住校。 地址:哈市香坊区公滨路58--3号(省气象台附近) 电话55160887 英华学校 教学科室:物理、化学、生物实验室,图书室、阅览室、体育、音乐、美术 教室、微机室及国内一流的多媒体视频语音教室。 师资力量:国家级优秀教师3名,省级优秀教师6名,市级优秀教师12名, 中青年骨干教师30余名。 通勤情况:以寄宿为主,同时,该校为走读生在全市设立了6条通勤线路有专车接送。 地址:哈市道里区机场路3公里处249号(中药二厂


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