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少先队常规教育管理规范(试行) 为进一步推进少先队基础建设,推动基层少先队组织规范化、有形化、标准化建设,增强少先队员的光荣感和责任感,增强少先队组织的吸引力和凝聚力,落实少先队的常规教育和管理工作,依据《中国少年先锋队章程》、《关于进一步加强少先队工作的意见》、《少先队辅导员工作纲要(试行)》和《中小学生日常行为规范》,本着 决定从少先队基础建设、学生行为规范教育与管理和主题教育活动三方面,制订如下管理规范: 一、少先队基础建设 (一)组织建设 1.建设学校大队、中队、小队。加强基层组织建设是少先队工作的基本保障 中青联发[2005]22号少先队教育引导少年儿童树立远大理想,把个人的成长进步同中国特色社会主义伟大事业、同祖国的繁荣富强紧密联系在一起,牢固树立起振兴中华的雄心壮志教育引导少年儿童养成优良品德,弘扬和培育民族精神,继承和发扬中华民族的传统美德,学习和实践社会主义道德,养成文明礼貌、团结互助、诚实守信、遵纪守法、勤俭节约、热爱劳动的好品行教育引导少年儿童培养过硬本领,发愤学习,打好知识基础,积极参加形式多样的课外校外活动,不断培育创新精神,提高实践能力教育引导少年儿童锻炼强健体魄,养成良好的卫生习惯,磨练勇敢顽强的意志,以乐观向上、积极进取的精神状态学习生活。教育性与趣味性相结合自主性与指导性结合实践性与创造性结合保持正确的方向,坚持正确的方法,不断深入中取得的教育成效, Trade and Industry Bureau of the end of the year summary of the work of threeThe following is a small series for the general summary of the trade and Industry Bureau of the year-end summary of the work, please refer toEvery year, my right branch Party committee under the leadership of Party committees in the town of XX, the concern and support of government, comprehensive practice practice Scientific Outlook on Development, thoroughly implement the spirit of the partys real XX and XX all the fourth plenary session, institutionalization, standardization, standardization, procedure, rule of law construction. As the focus, continue to emancipate the mind, strengthen team construction, reform of supervision mode, strengthen supervision means, earnestly fulfill their duties, made new efforts for economic development and social harmony, has made a new contribution. Now XX years work conditions are summarized as follows:First, the main achievements and experienceThe administration of industry and commerce administration departments is the main force to maintain the rank order of the market economy, its primary responsibility is to strengthen market supervision, to safeguard legal system based on fairness, honesty, ordered the market economic order, to create a good market environment. This year, I think I really in accordance with the Council and the town Party committee,, t


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