
11 单双腔时间间期1课件.ppt

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起搏时间间期(初级) 考虑事项 目的 时间间期 起搏器有两个基本功能 单腔时间间期 单腔时间间期 举例 1. 频率是75 ppm 间期是多少? 2. 频率是55 ppm 间期是多少? 3. 频率是87 ppm 间期是多少? 最早发明的起搏器… VOO VOO 什么是不应期? 在心脏中,不应期是一次除极后,心肌不能进行另外一次除极的时间长度 在起搏时,它是紧跟在起搏或感知事件之后的一个可程控的间期。在该间期内,起搏器不能启用另一个事件来决定时间间期 VRP=Ventricular Refractory Period 心室不应期 PVARP=Post Ventricular Atrial Refractory Period 心室后心房不应期 单腔 VVI 单腔 双腔时间间期 时间间期 时间间期 举例 AV顺序起搏 完全抑制 P波跟踪 DDD 最大跟踪频率(MTR) 一个可程控的参数,当心房感知/心室起搏时,限制心室起搏的最快频率 DDD (伴MTR) 复习不应期 一个紧跟在起搏或感知事件之后的可程控间期。在该间期内,起搏器不能启用另一个事件来决定时间间期 PVARP (Post Ventricular Atrial Refractory Period) = atrial refractory period PVARP(心室后心房不应期) = 心房不应期 PVARP DDD (伴PVARP) 空白期 在一次起搏事件后发生,对应心腔的起搏器感知放大器暂时关闭,以防止误识别 该时间参数可预防交叉感知 时间间期 双腔 (DDD) 可程控参数 总结 单腔起搏器的基本时间间期 双腔起搏器的基本时间间期 定义PVARP 双腔起搏的4种不同状态 定义空白期和不应期 下限频率 AV Delay 不应期 最大跟踪频率 空白期 V-V 间期 V-V=VA + AV Delay 心室后心房不应期 AP/VP, AP/VS, AS/VP, AS/VS 在空白期内,感知放大器不工作。然而,在不应期内,起搏器能感知,但不能对事件做出反应 Most of the time spent caring for pacemaker patients is concerned with the follow-up of implanted pacing systems. Part of this follow-up time is focused on troubleshooting potential and actual pacing system malfunctions. Troubleshooting is a term that means the discovering and eliminating of the cause of trouble. In pacing, it is a term that usually describes the activities involved in analyzing and correcting pacing system malfunctions. To properly troubleshoot many pacing system complications, it is necessary to have a basic understanding of pacemaker timing cycles. An understanding of timing cycles enables one to discern proper pacemaker operation from malfunction, and therefore to take the proper corrective actions. Usually, earlier in the day of this talk, we have discussed cardiac anatomy, physiology, and conduction. Timing can be understood in the context of how we want to mimic normal cardiac conduction. Use next slide to review this. Also, briefly explain demand and asynchronous pacing, as this has been perhaps minimally introduced earlier.



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