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绝密★启用前 人教版必修五 Unit 1 Great scientists 3. Grammar: 过去分词作定语和表语 一、完成句子。 用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1.The __________(steal) bike was __________(find) by the police yesterday. 2.The student __________(dress) in white is my daughter. 3.The novel __________(write) by him is very popular with the students. 4.The electric wire is __________(break). 5.He became __________(discourage) at the failure of the exam. 6.He is an __________(honor) teacher and we all like to attend his class. 7.The __________(pollute) river should be protected from pollution. 8.The building __________(build) now is our classroom building. 9.When we heard of the news, we were deeply __________(move). 10.They were __________(frighten)to hear the __________ (frighten) sound. 二、七选五。 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Each of us must communicate with others in this world. Sometimes communication is easy and your behavior is in harmony with (与……协调一致) others. ___11__ There are times when you are completely misunderstood. Therefore, it is really necessary to follow the tips below to increase your communication skills. Nod your head. People can think far faster than you can talk. If you want someone to agree with you, nod your head slightly up and down. ___12__ Be respectful of space. Everyone needs some space. __13__ Most people are not close talkers. Standing too close during conversations makes some people want to get away. Keep this in mind, especially if you’ve eaten garlic for lunch. Smile. Smiling will not only make you feel better, but also make whomever you are speaking with feel better. __14__ This takes practice, but the benefits of learning how to eye smile can produce communication candy. __15__ When you first meet someone, be sure to look directly into his eyes with a smile when shaking his hand. There is nothing worse than receiving a careless handshake from someone. Handshakes can tell you a lot about people. A. Smile with your eyes. B. Shake hands correctly. C. However, this is not always right.



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