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万宝油烟机说明书 篇一:抽油烟机产品说明书. 抽油烟机说明书 一、 产品特色 ? 本产品材质采用 ? 医用级不锈钢 ? 防腐耐摔 ? 侧吸式 ? 不容易碰 头,外观 时尚 ? 采用现代 工业自动 控制技 术、互联 网技术与多媒体技术的完美组合,为 现代智能厨房提供了样板 二、 产品优势 ? 安装在厨 房健康节能 ? 吸油烟机 炉灶上方 ? 能将炉灶 燃烧的废物 和烹饪过程 中产生的对 人体有害的 油烟迅速抽走 ? 排出室外 ? 减少污染,净化空气,并有防毒、防爆 的安全 三、 装配示意图 四、 售后服务 全国联保,2年保修,7天包退,30天包换。 服务热线 700820 篇二:超人吸油烟机说明书 篇三:豪华油烟机使用说明书中英对照 豪华吸油烟机 Luxurious Cooker Hood 安装说明 Installation Instruction 1、安装工具准备,冲击电钻(带钻头)扳手螺丝刀尺 1. Prepare installation tools: Impact Electric Drill (with drill) ②Spanner ③Screwdriver ④Ruler 2、确定位置:吸油烟机平行安装于炉头正上方.底部距炉台安装参考高度 650—750mm,可拆卸挡板安装参考尺寸430mm,可根据实际的安装情况适当调 整。安装孔距机体应垂直居中和保持水平。 (如煤气炉灶安装说明规定了较大的安装距离者,对此应予考虑,) 例:吊顶 装饰罩 (无拆卸挡板的安装方法) 吊顶 装饰罩 可拆卸挡板 (有拆卸挡板的安装方法) 2. Determine Installation Site: the hood should be installed over the cooker. The reference setting distance from the bottom to the cooker is 650-750mm. The reference dimension of the dischargeable baffle plate is 430mm. It can be adjusted according to practical installation situation. The mounting hole should align vertical centers and keep horizontal with the cooker hood. (For instance, if a longer distance is stipulated in the instruction manual of cooker, it should be considered.) E.g. suspending ceiling decorative covering (installation method without dischargeable baffle plate ) Suspending ceiling decorative covering dischargeable baffle plate (installation method with dischargeable baffle plate ) 3、安装挂脚:按照挂脚的尺寸在墙壁的相应位置上.钻出直径为8mm (严 禁钻孔过大,造成膨胀管松动而意外跌落).深度为50一60mm的四个孔,将 膨胀管压入孔内.再用随机配备的St4X40木螺钉将挂脚可靠固定。 3. Install Hitching Legs: Determine the relevant position on the wall according to the dimensions of the hitching legs. Drill 4 holes with diameter of 8mm (Do not drill holes with too large diameter to prevent accidental fall of cooker hood due to the loose of expansion pipe.) and depth of 50~60 mm. Press the expansion pipe into the holes then fix the hitching legs with St4X40 wood screws accompanied with the machine. 4、安装装饰罩:揭去装饰罩保护膜.将



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