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公司年会主持词英文 篇一:公司年会主持词中英对照 原创 DBS青岛年度晚会主持词 一、开场词 (主持人上场) A : 金牛奋蹄开锦绣, B: 玉虎添翼舞新春, C: 虎啸青山千里锦, D:虎震神州百业兴。 合:虎跃新春迎盛世,虎虎生威续辉煌 A: 尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾 C: 亲爱的同事们 合: 大家晚上好! D:The year of the Ox is coming to the end. We are now expecting the New Year of the Tiger. At this particular moment, we wish we can spent a pleasant evening together . B:Ladies and gentlemen ,welcome to 2010 annual diner party of DBS Shandong district. A: 又是一季雪飘过。2009年已经迈着坚定的脚步离我们远去,在这一年中,我们有欢笑,有泪水,有惊喜,有感动。。。。。。 B:Accompanied by the melting snow, we waved our hands to the year of 2009, in which, there were laughter, tears, surprises, and impressions. C:辛辛苦苦又一年。DBS山东区全体员工奋力拼搏,在不寻常的一年里创造了不寻常的成绩。 D:It has been a tough year. Nevertheless, after the hard work surrendered by the whole DBS Shandong district, we have earned a notable achievement in this unusual year. A:辞旧迎新贺新春。新的一年给了我们新的希望,我们必将以激昂的斗志,饱满的热情,为DBS山东区谱写新的乐章! B:We get together here to memorize the old days in 2009 and welcome the new of 2010. The new year gives us new hope and we will fight for a greater development of DBS Shandong district with our full courage, passion and enthusiasm. C:而今迈步从头越。回首09,展望10,我们将用永恒的信念,炽热的豪情为DBS山东区续写新的辉煌! D:We are reaching the new starting point. Looking back on 2009 and looking forward to 2010, we will try our utmost to add a new glory to DBS Shandong district. A: 2010,新的一年,新的祝福,新的期望! B: 2010, there is our longing for a happy life and our blueprint of a bright future. C:2010,我们为了同一个目标而奋斗,愿DBS山东区的明天更加灿烂辉煌! D:2010, we are striving to achieve one objective, the more brilliant tomorrow of DBS Shandong district. A:DBS山东区2010年新春年会,现在开始! B:Now, please let me announce the start of the 2010 annual dinner party of DBS Shandong district. 二、Review Video C:首先,让我们重温09年身边的发生的点点滴滴,共同分享我们的成长与快乐!请看大屏幕。 D :Firstly, we would like to review the matters that took place around us in 2009 to share our growth and happiness! Please see the big screen. (开始播放review video) 三、Mr. F A:温馨的记忆已经深深的铭刻在每个人的心里,美好的明天等待



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