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英文病历书写:神经精神系统   以下是小编带来的英文病历书写:神经精神系统,欢迎阅读,更多相关内容尽在cnfla学习网。   (1)他数星期来,有好几次在眩晕前,意识突然发生变化。   He had several sudden alterations in consciousness preceded by dizziness for several weeks.   神经症状   一般用语 vertigo, dizziness, dizzy spell, syncope, fainting, sleepy, drowsy, lethargic, insomnia, hiccough, convulsion, seizure, trembling, involuntary movement, numbness, weakness, incoordination, clumsiness of motion, tingling, unsteadiness in walking, difficulty in walking, paresthesia, anesthesia, paralysis, myalgia, thick speech, aphonia   ex1:他发觉,说话障碍逐渐厉害起来。   He noted a progressive speech impediment.   ex2:他不能用病侧脚尖站着。   He was unable to stand on tiptoe on the affected limb.   (2)他的情绪容易突变,且会无缘无故地愠怒和哭泣。   He is liable to sudden changes of mood and would sulk and cry for no apparent reason.   抑郁   一般用语 despondent, gloomy, worried, disgusted, discouraged, scared, fearful, low, afraid, angry, blue ; cheerful, optimistic, pessimistic, satisfied, stable, fluctuating, hilarious   喜欢小题大做的 fussy   好管闲事的 noisy   吹毛求疵的 fault  finding   自负的 conceited   很势利的 snobbish   自私的 selfish   吝啬的 stingy   气量大的 broad  minded   慷慨的 generous   好心的 kind  hearted   心情变幻不定而抑郁的 be moody and depressed   患有极痛苦的忧虑 have an attack of excruciating anxiety   ex1:His mood was appropriate.   ex2:His mood was mainly euphoric and expansive.   思考能力   一般用语 think less clearly, decreased speed of thinking, decreased clarity of   thought, flight of ideas, loss of mental vigor , mental apathy   再也不能集中心力 can no longer concentrate   发觉集中力减退 noted waning powers of concentration   ex1:她发觉在读习和写作时,注意力有点不易集中。   She noted only slight difficulty in concentrating while reading and writing.   (3)他迷妄,有生动的幻觉,并且不能说出连贯的病历。   He was deluded, vividly hallucinated, and unable to give any coherent history.   精神异常   一般用语 hallucination, delusion of persecution(被害妄想), mental confusion, disorientation, mental aberration, negat


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