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ERP环境下企业的内部管理 专 业: 会计学 班 级: 学 号: 姓 名: 指导教师: 完成日期: [论文摘要] ERP通过信息系统对信息进行充分整理、有效传递,使企业的资源在购、存、产、销、人、财、物等各个方面能够得到合理地配置与利用,从而实现企业经营效率的提高。从本质上讲,ERP是一套信息系统,是一种工具。ERP在系统设计中可集成某些管理思想与内容,可帮助企业提升管理水平。ERP作为企业信息化建设的核心组成部分,它的优势不仅仅在于帮助企业建立一套信息化管理系统,更重要的是它是体现现代管理思想和方法的一种先进工具。内部控制作为一种先进的组织管理制度在现代企业管理中有着重要的作用。ERP的引入,可以对企业的内部控制结构造成很大的影响,它代表了一种新的控制管理环境,突破了企业原先内部控制管理活动的范围。ERP环境对于企业建立有效的内部控制提供了很多有利的条件。但也会带来诸如内部控制环境、重点的变化以及很多具有IT技术特点的新问题。在ERP系统开发与实施过程中,应当将完善的内部控制体系有步骤地融入ERP环境当中,将新风险纳入内部控制之中。因而,在ERP环境下建设、完善内部控制系统是ERP项目实施中不可缺少的一部分。本文就ERP环境如何完善内部控制进行了阐述。 [关键词] ERP 内部控制 管理 [Abstracts] ERP environment research on the internal control of enterprise In recent years, domestic and foreign research;accountant the scandal; has caused the people to the internal control universal attention.The people realize generally: The enterprise controls then strong, out of control then weak, uncontrolled then chaotic.Theoretically speaking, the information technology in particular ERP birth constructed the good internal control for the enterprise to create the condition, however, the practice result was actually the effect unsatisfactory.Is precisely under such background, this article proposed utilizes the ERP optimization internal control correctly the research question. This article takes the reference by the domestic and foreign internal control theory, take the ERP new management control idea as the foundation, the internal control system took an open system conducts the research.Is passing through the method to the beginning to the end which the system and the structure unify, the proper attention to both system overall analysis and the structure analysis, elaborated under the ERP environment the internal control system structure and the function, propose th


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