Lecture 13 Tourism Style Translation.ppt

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Lecture 13 Tourism Style Translation 旅游文体翻译 ‘ 旅游(travel, journey, tour, trip) 旅游翻译包括笔译和导游(口译, guide-interpreter) 笔译:准确完善、忠实通顺、传神“入化”; 导游:适合听,明白易懂; 适合讲,朗朗上口; 要有口译的明快简洁,完整完善。 笔译是口译的基础和根本,没有笔译的苦思冥想,就很难有口译的脱口而出。 ’ 中国特有固定旅游词难以在英语中逐词翻译(word-for-word translation),要用英语的复合词、短语表达: 卧游---to make a vicarious sightseeing tour by viewing landscape paintings or by reading travelogues, etc. (以欣赏山水画代替游览。后亦指看内容生动的游记、图片或记录影片等。此语源自南朝宋画家、美术理论家宗炳(375-443)。 ) 宦游---office-hunting; (formerly) travel a broad and seek an office; go from place seeking official posts.(宦游是古代士大夫阶层生活方式之一,指古代士人外出求官或做官。 ) , 逍遥游--- a carefree journey; the happy excursion; wondering in absolute freedom.(逍遥游一词出自《庄子》,乃是全本三十三篇之第一篇。其开篇语:“北冥有鱼,其名为鲲……”流传久远,妇孺皆知。 ) 神游--- take an imaginary trip to a place; feel as if one had personally visited the place; to make a spiritual tour; range in fancy; to tour (a place) by imagination; to make a mental tour. 闲暇旅游---leisure travel. ’ 英语中也有一些旅游词: safari (journey or hunting expedition, esp. in eastern Africa)---特指在东非的旅游或游猎 mystery tour (a pleasure excursion to an unspecified destination)---神秘旅游(指事先不知道目的地的短途之旅) up-market tour (tour directed to a more affluent target audience and fearturing things like more luxurious accommodations)--- 豪华旅游/适合高消费阶层的旅游(指针对富裕阶层所组织的享受豪华待遇的旅游,如人住豪华酒店等) junket (trip or journey, esp. one taken by politician/official at public expense)---政治家/政客/政府官员的公款旅游 , 当今中国旅游业出现不少舶来词: incentive travel /trip/tour----奖励性旅游 farm tour----农家游(农家乐---happy farm households tour) special interest tours 包括: agricultural tour(农业游) ancient capital tour(古都游) bicycle/tricycle tour(骑自行车游) China Popular, China Crossing, convention tour (民族风情游) cultural tour(文化旅游) education tour(教育游) learning tour(游学) eco-tour/ecotour (生态游) , family (individual) tour(全家游) self-driving tour(自驾游) fishing/angling tour(垂钓游) folklore tour(民俗游) Grand Canal tour(大运河游) honeymoon tour(蜜月游) mountaineering tour(登山游) farewell-to-Three Gorges tour (三峡游) adopti


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