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SDSF SDSF:System Display and Search Facility。 IBM的“系统显示与查询工具”(简称SDSF)是OS/390的可选产品,可以向用户提供大量的信息以协助用户监测、管理以及控制MVS/JES2系统。利用SDSF,用户可以: 1)控制作业处理进程(保留,释放,取消与清除作业) 2)对正在运行的作业进行监测 3)无需打印可浏览作业 4)控制作业级别 5)控制打印机、Punches、Readers与Initiators 6)控制网络的连线与节点 7)控制SPOOL的下载设备 8)显示并控制WLM安排的系统环境与资源 9)执行针对作业的JES2和MVS命令 SDSF控制面板提供了关于OS/390JES2系统内的作业、打印机、队列以及资源的实时信息。从这些控制面板中,用户可以输入SDSF命令或MVS与JES2命令来控制作业的运行以及系统资源的操作。 SDSF Access In order to access SDSF, Ops should logon to appropriate TSO and at 'Ready" type:ISPF. Then, from ISPF Menu, type SDSF. SDSF Main Menu Please note that the options available on the SDSF Main Menu may vary from system to system. Here's how a basic display would look like. 下图为客户化之前的SDSF: SDSF - Option 'DA' (Display Active users)(显示当前RUNNING的USER, STARTED TASK, JOB) This option will show the active jobs currently running on the system. Scroll through screen using PF7, PF8, PF10, and PF11. SDSF - Option 'I' (Input Queue job display)(当前正在input队列,还没有run的job, 可能因为资源问题,在排队等待) To view JCL, type'S' in the 'NP' column. JCL:Job Control Language(JCL) is used to tell the system what program to execute, followed by a description of program inputs and outputs. SDSF - Option 'O' (Display job Output Queue)(输出队列,运行结束后会显示在output队列) This option will display the job's outputs currently stored on system spool. Scroll through screen using PF7, PF8, PF10, and PF11. => To view output, place ' S ' in the NP column for that job. SDSF - Option 'H'(某些JOB需要HOLD结果,就会放在HOLD对列中) SDSF - Option 'LOG' (Displays current system log)(显示系统LOG, 会显示从IPL到现在为止的所有系统输出) The SDSF 'LOG' option is used to view the system current log. Through LOG option Ops (as long as ID has proper authorization) can issue commands and interacts with the system as well. Scroll through log using PF7, PF8, PF11, and PF12. => Example of system log screen. Please noticed that Ops can use the 'command input line' to issue commands and intereact with the system. SDSF - Option 'INIT' (System Initiator Display) The S


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