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基于C#的餐饮管理系统设计 DESIGN OF RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM BASED ON C# 专 业: 姓 名: 指导教师姓名: 申请学位级别: 论文提交日期: 学位授予单位: 摘 要 当今社会,随着计算机网络技术的发展,其应用在各行各业中使用的范围也是越来越广,其涉及了社会的各个方面。近年来飞速发展的计算机网络技术,使餐饮业的竞争也日趋激烈,如何在激烈的竞争环境中使企业生存下去是一个很值得思考的问题,我们应当用科学的管理理念对企业进行优化,使餐饮业的管理操作实现一体化。如今飞速发展的餐饮业,出现了各种各样的经营方式,例如当今普遍应用的连锁模式。因此,餐饮管理系统的使用也将会是必不可少的一部分,而且对于餐饮行业管理者的决策也提供重要的依据。 我设计的系统是C#程序设计语言编写的,适小型餐厅的管理系统,以erver 2008数据库为后台数据库,Visual studio.NET2010为开发工具系统登录、主菜单管理、桌台、开台、点菜或加菜、消费查询、管理和自动结账等功能 对于本系统的设计意义,不仅能够提高员工对业务的操作水平,更加有效、便捷地实现管理操作,而且能够减少对人力和物力的需求,避免一些因手工操作而引起的问题。此外,还能够对顾客信息和管理水平做进一步优化,为餐饮管理者的管理提供了有力的科学依据,使餐饮行业在快速的发展中更能适应时代的发展。 :管理系统; ABSTRACT In today's society, with the development of computer network technology, its application in all walks of life is more and more widely used in the range, which covers all aspects of society. Particularly, in recent years, the fast development of computer network technology is resulting in an intense competitive in the restaurant industry. How can companies survive in the fierce competition environment? That is a question. We should use scientific management ideas to optimize the enterprise, so that the various food and beverage management operations will achieve integration. Now with the rapid development of catering industry, there are all kinds of mode of operation, such as chain model in general used today. Therefore, catering management system will be an essential part of the function to achieve the utility. And it will also provide important basis for the managers’ decisions. I designed and beverage management system is the C# programming language, suitable for small restaurant use management systems to SQL Server 2008 database back-end database, and visual studio .NET 2010 for front-end development tools. The management system achieves login check, the main menu management, desk sets management, Founding management, order dishes or Side Dish, co


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