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中国驻英国大使傅莹在牛津大学的演讲 中国是强国吗? ——在牛津学联的演讲 中华人民共和国驻英国大使 傅莹 2009年4月29日 Is China a Power? Speech by Ambassador Fu Ying at Oxford Union 29 April 2009 2009年4月29日,中国驻英国大使傅莹应牛津大学学联之邀在牛津大学发表题为《中国是强国吗》的演讲,200余名牛津学联成员和牛津师生出席。牛津学联是享有世界声望的辩论协会组织,经常邀请各国政要和国际知名人士前往演讲和讨论。这是该协会成立186年来第一次邀请中国政府代表发表演讲。 迪克森主席, 各位学联的成员们, 女士们、先生们: Corey Dixon, Union Officers and Members, Ladies and Gentlemen, 感谢邀请我发表演讲。 Thank you for inviting me to speak here. 多年前,我在肯特大学学习国际政治的时候,曾经参加了一个活动,其中包括出席牛津的一场辩论会。记得当时我们提了许多让演讲者很为难的问题,现在轮到我来接受烘烤了。但是我觉得自己有责任回来,为延续牛津良好的学术辩论传统出一份力。 When I was a student of international politics in Kent University many years ago, I took part in a program which included an Oxford Union debate. I remember we gave the speaker very hard time. Now it’s my turn to be on the grill. But I do feel duty bound to come back to contribute to the good tradition of academic debating in Oxford. 我今天演讲的题目是:“中国是强国吗?” My topic is about China: “is China a power?” 2008年北京奥运会灿烂的烟火,被视为是庆祝中国成为世界强国的礼花。英国皇家国际问题研究所、威尔顿庄园、《金融时报》和《经济学家》,还有不少美国刊物都在谈论中国成为强国的问题。国际上正在形成中国已经成为世界强国的共识。因此,外界对中国的一举一动都高度关注,并且品头论足。 The splendid fireworks of the Beijing Olympics in 2008 are seen as marking China’s ascendance into world power status. Chatham House, Wilton Park, the Financial Times and economist, together with many American publications are all talking about China as a power. An international consensus is emerging that China is a world power. There is therefore a lot of scrutiny about the rights and wrongs in China and what China should and should not do. 美国学者伯格斯滕首先提出中美G2的想法,布热津斯基也认为,中国在国际上排名第二,仅次于美国。欧洲2007年底就有民调显示,80%的受访者认为中国已经是仅次于美国的第二强国。这些都表明,中国正在从国际政治的边缘转向中心。 FRED BERGSTEN (Director of the Peterson Institute for International Economics) first suggested the idea of G2. Brzezinski believed that China is second only to the United States. A survey in Europe at the end of 2007 echoed his view as 80% of respondents believed China has became the number two world power. Clearly China is moving from the margin to the center of the


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