Section B 2_8622679.ppt

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Phrasal verbs: cheer up, run out of, put up, call up, hand out, set up, come up with, fix up, give away. He did a radio interview. He called up his friends. 1.Last week everyone was trying to cheer up Jimmy, the Bike Boy. 上周大家都想让那个修自行车的小男 孩吉米开心。 try to do sth. 意思是“尽力去做某 事”,但不强调所做的事是否成功。 Try to finish your work on time, please! 请尽量按时完成你的工作! 3....and called up all his friends and told them about the problem. 给他所有的朋友打电话告诉他们他的 问题。 ① call up 表示“给……打电话”, 后 面接指人的单词。 Did the boy call up you just for a chat. 这个男孩给你打电话只是为了聊天吗? 1. My life is filled with p______. And I’m very happy now. 2. His grandfather can’t see anything because he is b____ . 3. Could you help me c____ the heavy box? 4. Can you f____ some water for me, John? 5. Can you i_______ yourself becoming famous as a writer? Ⅱ. 根据汉语提示完成下列英语句子, 每空一词。 1. 吉姆和他哥哥在某些方面相似。 Jim is ______ __ his brother in some ways. 2. 我父亲正忙着修理他的自行车。 My father is busy _____ __ his bike. 3. 你曾经在当地的超市里散发过广告吗? Have you ever ______ ___ advertisements at a local supermarket? 4. 他愿意帮助我解决困难。 He would like to ____ me ___. 5. 由于他的帮忙,婴儿脱离了危险。 The baby was out of danger _________ his help. I will pick up the litter in the park near my home. Then the paths will become clean and beautiful. List the ways in which different animals are, or could be, trained to help people. * 新目标 九年级 Unit 8 Unit 8 I’ll clean up the city parks. Section B Period 2 Reading (3a,3b: P64) Discuss: What can you do to help him solve this problem? I could… I’d like to… Problem:___________________ He’s used up his money. The things that Jimmy did to solve his problem: He put up some signs. He handed out advertisements. He told the teachers. He set up a call-in center for parents. Everyone was trying to help Jimmy. Reading strategy : Please read the first few sentences of the passage, and then you may find out the main idea. What’s the main idea of the passage? Fast reading I: warm-he



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