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九年级英语新目标 Go for it! 磐石市实验中学 纪艳春 Personal Information Birth: 1971 Age:40 School:No.3 Middle School Job: a teacher (17 years) Hobby: music /travel/computer games Marry:14 years Family Members: 4 Dream: buy a car/travel all over the world 一般现在时 现在进行时 四种时态 一般过去时 一般将来时 Read the information about Kate : My name is Kate. I’m 12 years old. I come from America. I speak English. I like reading. I live in a tall building in Shanghai. I study in a school in Shanghai. I go to school at 7:00 a.m. My school is far from my home, so I take a bus there. I have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. I often talk to my Chinese classmates after class. I love them. I love China , too. 13 Can you ask some questions about Kate? What does he/she often do to relax himself/herself ? Let’s Talk watches Tv goes to the movies plays chess visits her grandparents painting Describe What a fine day today !Look, the children….. It's fine today. The children are playing in the park. Look! Some girls are playing games. Kate is climbing up a tree. A girl is standing behind a house. Lily is looking for her. There is a boy over there. What's he doing? He is flying a kite. They are all having a good time. Very good! go to the beach have some ice cream go fishing surf the Internet play soccer A: Did you …last weekend? B: Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. woke up rushed to realized chatted with had lunch with relatives watched TV went to sleep Write about Kate’s day off. go to the movies clean her room play tennis× do her homework√ go to the beaches × play soccer √ What will Kate do next weekend? Will she ….?Yes, she will/No ,she won’t Summary 时态 动词构成 标志状语 易错点/考点 一般现在时 现在进行时 一般过去时 一般将来时 动词/动词三单 usually等频率副词 主语三单,客观事实规律 be(is/am/are) +doing at the moment, now, listen, look 等 不要丢be,进行时可以表示将来时 . 过去式 just now 时间+ago last + 时间 There is going to be There will be will + v. be going to+v. tomorrow next week in +一段时间 过去经常习惯性的动作,注意动词过去式的变化 将下列的时间状语填入相应的时态栏 at


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