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华盛顿邮报:精神游戏(Mind Games) (美国精神控制受害者采访录) 注:文章翻译是澳洲留学女受害者Soleimavis Liu,本文原文是华盛顿邮报记者Sharon Weinberger,这篇文章对于揭露精神控制迫害事件是一个勇敢的突破,尽管由于种种限制,本文只能采取白描的报道方式。 原文网址: /wp-dyn/content/article/2007/01/10/AR2007011001399_pf.html 中国新华网相关报道: /tech/2007-01/21/content_5631510.htm 说明:Sharon Weinberger 于2007年1月14日,星期日在《华盛顿邮报》发表了一篇关于大脑控制技术(精神控制技术)的文章。因为很多中国受害者及中国朋友无法阅读英文,所以,我特在此将文章翻译成中文。因时间仓促,翻译中难免有失误,请大家指正。文中所述人物HARLAN GIRARD的网站是 Mind Games 精神游戏 作者:Sharon Weinberger 翻译:Soleilmavis Liu New on the Internet: a community of people who believe the government is beaming voices into their minds. They may be crazy, but the Pentagon has pursued a weapon that can do just that. 因特网上新出现了一些公众,他们相信政府正在向他们的大脑中定向发射声音。或许他们很疯狂,但是五角大楼已经开发出了可以实现这样技术的武器。 By Sharon Weinberger Sunday, January 14, 2007; Sharon Weinberger 2007年1月14日,星期日 IF HARLAN GIRARD IS CRAZY, HE DOESN'T ACT THE PART. He is standing just where he said he would be, below the Philadelphia train station's World War II memorial -- a soaring statue of a winged angel embracing a fallen combatant, as if lifting him to heaven. Girard is wearing pressed khaki pants, expensive-looking leather loafers and a crisp blue button-down. He looks like a local businessman dressed for a casual Friday -- a local businessman with a wickedly dark sense of humor, which had become apparent when he said to look for him beneath "the angel sodomizing a dead soldier." At 70, he appears robust and healthy -- not the slightest bit disheveled or unusual-looking. He is also carrying a bag. 如果HARLAN GIRARD疯了,他并没有表现出失常。他只是站在他认为他应该的立场上。费城火车站下面的二战纪念—一尊高昂的展翅的天使抱着一位倒下的战士,似乎正在把他带往天堂。Girard穿着卡其裤,看起来很贵的皮鞋,有波纹的兰色钮扣。他的穿着看起来象一位星期五的当地商人—一位有着黑色幽默的当地商人。当他说在“天使侮辱士兵”下寻找他时,这一点看起来更明显。70岁,他看起来健壮和健康,一点也不看起来邋遢和不正常。他还背着一个包. Girard's description of himself is matter-of-fact, until he explains what's in the bag: documents he believes prove that the government is attempting to control his mind. He carries that black, weathered bag everywhere he goes. "Every time I go out, I'm prepared


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