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宗庆后受邀在法国B20峰会上书面发言引起反响 娃哈哈集团董事长宗庆后   引言:B20会议即商业20国集团会议,在G20(二十国集团峰会)期间同期召开,由20国集团中各国主要企业参加。今年G20峰会的轮值国为法国,故B20会议也同期在法国戛纳召开。会议主要讨论经济政策、金融法规、国际贸易系统、发展、反腐败等十一个主题。   以下为娃哈哈集团董事长宗庆后分发给与会代表的发言材料全文:   解决世界经济发展的政策建议   ——商业二十国峰会发言稿   中国.杭州娃哈哈集团有限公司董事长 宗庆后   2011年11月3日   Suggested Policies on Solving Problems of the Development of World Economy   B20 Summit Speech   Zong Qinghou, Chairman, Hangzhou Wahaha Group Co., Ltd., China   November 3rd, 2011   自从2008年美国次贷危机引发的世界金融危机,至今已经整整三年了,各国政府均经过了多方努力,但仍未能奏效,反而二次探底,问题更严重。究其原因,我认为是没有把这次危机的原因搞清楚,因而方法不对,而导致目前问题越来越严重。现本人对此提出一些不成熟的想法,若有不当之处,敬请各位批评指正。   It has been 3 years since the U.S subprime crisis triggered the global financial crisis in 2008. Each government has made unremitting effort in combating the crisis, but sadly the measures are not effective enough and the world economy is now on the verge of a double dip. In my opinion, the reason for the setback of overcoming crisis is that we haven’t actually understand the causes of the crisis, thus the measures we have taken are hardly correct and the situation is getting more serious.   一、经济危机发生的原因   1. The Causes of Economic Crisis   我认为经济的最基本原则是分工不同,相互交换而已,从原始社会开始,你打猎我种粮,你打猎获得多余的肉换我多余的粮,满足了大家的需求。直到现代社会这个原则实际上并没有变,无非是分工和交换更复杂了一点而已。而当前的经济危机实际上是创造财富与分配财富不平衡所造成的,创造财富的人少,分配财富的人多了,财富不足以分配,不能满足所有人的需要,就发生了经济危机。   I think the most basic principle of economy lies in the division of labor and exchange of goods. Since the primitive society, a hunter can exchange his extra prey for grain from a grain-planter, meeting the needs of both sides. Until modern society, this principle actually has not changed, only the division and exchange has become more complicated. In fact, the root of current crisis is the imbalance of wealth creation and distribution: there are less and less people creating wealth while more and more people demanding wealth; the wealth created is not enough to meet everyone’s need, thus it resulted in an economic crisis.   例如欧洲各国一直来实施了高税收高福利的政策,干活的和不干活的生活享受都一样,因此都不愿干活了,都不创造财富


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