
Car and Gas Pump Static and Dynamic Modeling With 汽车和气体泵的静态和动态建模.ppt

Car and Gas Pump Static and Dynamic Modeling With 汽车和气体泵的静态和动态建模.ppt

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Car and Gas Pump Static and Dynamic Modeling With Creative Targets Aesthetic Computing John Hays FSM FSM - Finite State Machine Includes inputs, states, and outputs Simple examples include the coin toss, coke machine, etc. Coke Machine example Gas Pump FSM FSM Inputs POC: Pay outside with credit card PI: Pay inside SC: Swipe Card P: Pump LG: Let Go FSM Outputs IC: Invalid Card G: Gas R: Receipt NA: Not authorized * WA: Wait for Authorization A: Authorized GD: Gas Dispensing DD: Done Dispensing POC PI IC Open WA A P GD LG DD R Gas Pump FSM Diagram Architecture Architecture Definition “characteristics that distinguish a work of architecture from other man-made structures are ...adaptability of it to particular human activities” CE (Temporal) Architecture Diagram WE: Work Experience CE: College Education R: Rejected HW: Hard Work RC: Retire from Corporate America A: Little house where you grow up B: Interview building C: Company D: Skyscraper E: Freelance Business F: Prosperous Family House WE R HW RC A B C D E F FSM and Architecture Semantic Networks FSM Model Pattern Structure Construction Building AKO Has A AKO AKO AKO AKO Architecture Building Structure Composition Arrangement Group Classification System System Has An Has A AKO AKO AKO AKO Theatre Theatre Link Shakespeare Link Hamlet HHP: Hamlet Horatio prepare for battle HW: Horatio withdraws to watch LP: Laertes prepares for battle QD: Queen Gertrude Dies Hamlet Theatre Diagram HK: Hamlet Stabs King Claudius KD: Hamlet is stabbed King Claudius Dies HL: Hamlet Kills Laertes LD: Laertes Dies HD: Hamlet Dies HHP LP HW Enter Duel QD HK KD HL LD HD *



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