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随着经济的发展,人们的生活水平也逐渐提升,人们在住房时候,特别注意保温材质,近年来,我国保温隔热行业的产品结构发生了明显的变化,泡沫塑料类保温隔热材料所占比例逐年增长,硬质类保温隔热产品的比例逐年下降。其中轻质化材料、憎 水性材料、绿色环保材料和超效绝热材料将成为保温隔热材料的发展趋势。本文主要介绍了保温材料的概况、物化性能、主要性能指标、发展前景及选型依据,并对几种常用保温材料作了阐述,综合对比其各种性能指标,得出工程推荐的保温材料。
With the development of economy, peoples living standard has gradually increased, people in the housing, with particular attention to insulation material, in recent years, Chinas insulation products industry structure produced apparent change, foam thermal insulation thermal insulation material proportion has increased year by year, rigid class insulation product ratio decreased year by year. The lightweight materials, hydrophobic materials, green materials and effective thermal insulation materials insulation materials will become the development trend. This paper mainly introduces the general situation of insulation materials, physical and chemical properties, the main performance indicators, the development prospect and the basis for selection, and some commonly used insulation materials is expounded, comprehensive comparison of its various performance indexes, the engineering recommended insulation materials.
Key words:
Insulation materials, thermal conductivity, performance
引言 2
第一章文献综述 3
1.1保温材料的概述 3
1.2保温材料的主要性能 4
1.2.1导热系数 4
1.2.2容量 4
1.2.3最高使用温度 4
1.2.4抗压强度 4
1.2.5 抗折强度 4
1.2.6含水率 5
1.3保温材料的选型依据 5
第二章几种常见的保温材料 5
2.1岩棉 5
2.2泡沫玻璃 5
2.3聚氨脂泡沫塑料 6
2.3.1定义 6
2.3.2用途 6
2.3.3阻燃原理 6
2.4聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料 7
2.4.1发展史: 7
2.4.2定义 7
2.4.3性能 7
2.4.4用途 7
第三章保温材料的应用及发展前景 8
3.1应用 8
3.2前景 8
3.2.1无机保温材料 8
3.2.2有机保温材料 9
3.3.3有机无机复合保温材料 9
3.3.4镁水泥保温材料发展: 10
3.3.5发泡镁水泥: 10
参考文献 11
致谢 12