Section A 1_154124.ppt

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Section A 1_154124

tiger(s) lion(s) koala(s) giraffe(s) A: Let’s see…. B: Why do you want to see…? A: Because ……. cute interesting fun smart lazy beautiful Where are they from? They’re from…. 2a Listen and write the animals you hear. Draw a line from the animals to the description words and the countries they are from. China very cute 3. _________ South Africa kind of interesting 2. _________ Australia really scary 1. _________ Countries Description words Animals pandas koalas lions Julie: Let’s see the _______. John: Why do you like them? Julie: Because they’re _______ interesting. John: Where are they from? Julie: They’re from ______. pandas kind of China 2b Listen again. Complete the conversation with the words in 2a. Why do you like them? Well, I like koalas. Because they’re very cute and they are from Australia. Why don’t you like them? Well, I don’t like lions. Because they’re really scary. Where are they from? Most of them are from South Africa. leg sleep Does Peter have a pet? ______________________________ 2. What can Dingding do? _______________________________ _______________________________ Read the conversation in 2d and answer the questions. Yes, he does. 2d He can walk on two legs. He can dance, too. 3. What pet does Jenny’s mom have? ________________________________ 4. Does Jenny like the cat? Why? ___________________ ___________________ She has a cat. No, she doesn’t. Because it’s very lazy. do how name pet whose Peter’s Jenny’s mother’s dog cat Dingding Lazy cute, smart boring, lazy walk on two legs, dance sleep * * * * * panda(s) Guessing game: What animal is it? lion elephant tiger giraffe panda cat koala No, I’m a pet. We’re all animals. A: What animals do you like? B: I like_____. Do you like_____? A: Yes, I do. No, I don’t. I like___________. A: What animals do you like? B: I like______. What about you? A: I like________ too. tiger elephant penguin lion


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