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誰是扶輪家庭成員? Who is our Rotary Family? 扶輪社友Fellow Club Members 扶輪社員的配偶、子女與父母Spouses, Children, Parents 已故扶輪社員的寶眷Spouses of Deceased Rotarians 扶輪青年服務團團員Rotaractors 扶輪少年服務團團員Interactors 青少年交換學生及家庭Youth Exchange Students families 團體研究交換團員GSE team members 大使獎學金學生Ambassadorial scholars 扶輪領袖營學生RYLArians 為何“家庭”是扶輪關注的焦點? Why is “Family” a focus of Rotary? 分享快樂Enjoyment 防止社員流失Retention 增加新社友 Recruitment 支持扶輪基金Foundation support 如何如同“家人”般關懷社員? How do we care for fellow Rotarians like family? 記得社友生日、結婚週年Remember birthdays and anniversaries 當他們生病、孤寂或遇到困難時給予協助Assist when they are sick, lonely, or having difficulties 當扶輪家庭成員死亡時,以及往後分擔他們的憂傷Share their grief during and after a death in the family 舉辦慶生會參加婚禮或畢業典禮Celebrate at Births, Weddings, and Graduations 如何將自己的家庭融入扶輪? How do we involve our own families in Rotary? 參加特別的扶輪家庭社交聚會At special family oriented social events 參加特別節目的扶輪社例會At club meetings for special programs 協助募款Assistance at fund raisers 參加社區服務計劃In community service projects 接待青少年交換學生及GSE訪問團Hosting Youth Exchange and GSE teams 如何關心已故社友寶眷? How can we care for spouses of deceased Rotarians? 邀請他們加入扶輪Invite them to join Rotary 邀請他們參加特別社的活動Invite them to special club events 寄送“英文扶輪月刊”雜誌Send them “The Rotarian” magazine 寄送扶輪社社刊Send them club newsletters 經常電話聯繫Call on them regularly 舉辦慶生會Celebrate their birthdays 青少年交換學生如何能成為扶輪家庭的成員? How can Youth Exchange students become family members? 各扶輪社舉辦家庭活動時邀請他們參加Involve other club members to invite them to join them for family functions 與青少年交換學生的家人連繫Communicate with the student’s family back home 青少年交換學生回國後一直與他們保持連繫Lifetime contact after the student has returned hom 邀請RYLA、扶少團及扶青團團員加入扶輪家庭? Invite RYLA, Interact and Rotaract students to join our Rotary family? 邀請他們參加:By Participation in: 服務計劃、募款活動、扶輪社與地區的社區活動Projects, Fundraisers, Club and District Social events 聖誕晚會、跨年晚會Christmas parties, change-overs 地區年會、地區講習會District Conferences, Assemblies 安排他們參加其他的扶少團、扶青團與扶輪領袖營活動Have them attend other Interact, Rotaract, and RYLA activities


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