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二、单项填空 (共15小题,15分。每小题1分) 从各题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 21. Jane didn’t get to the airport on time, ________ she missed the plane. A. but????B. for????C. so????D. or? 22. Mr. Stevenson is great to work for. I really couldn’t ask for a ________ boss.   A. good ????B. bad????C. worse????D. better ? 23. ––Will Susan go to Egypt with us next Monday? ––She won’t. She ________ the long trip. A. hated????B. hates????C. will hate???D. has hated 24. It isn’t convenient for me to move around, so I’d like to have my reference?book?________ my reach.   A. within????? ??B. under???? ???C. over??? ???D. beyond 25. You will be late for school ________ you hurry up.   A. when?? ???B. since???? ???C. unless???? ??D. if? 26. ________ man I met just now is ________ cousin of mine.   A. The; a??? ???B. The; 不填???? ??C. A; a??????? ??D. A; 不填 27. I’m sure that you will love our?bookstore, ________ you can find some good novels in simple English. A. which????B. who????C. where????D. when? 28. David noticed nothing because he ________ a customer when the accident happened.? A. served????B. was serving???C. had served???D. would serve? 29. A great cheer went up ________ the first goal was scored. A. before????B. when????C. until????D. though 30. Shirley stood in the empty room, ________ so lonely for the first time. A. feeling????B. felt????C. to feel????D. having felt 31. The music group will be giving a big show tomorrow night and two ________ on the weekend. A. other????B. another???C. else????D. more 32. The museum which ________ will be open to visitors soon. The work is almost finished.   A. has rebuilt???B. has been rebuilt??C. is rebuilding??D. is being rebuilt 33. My iPhone isn’t in my bag. Where ________ I have put it?   A. can ????B. must ????C. should????D. would 34. I admire Stephen Hawking greatly, ________ theory about black holes has a great effect on astronomy. A. what????B. who????C. which? ???D. whose? 35. When asked why he went there, he said he was sent there ________



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