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2013年同等学力考试英语模拟试卷(二) Part I? Oral Communication (15 minutes,10 points) Section A Directions:In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A,B and C,taken from the dialogue.Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. ? ?Dialogue One ??? A.By the way,how much is it? ??? B.What is your destination? ??? C.Id like to catch a return flight on the twentyninth. Travel Agent:Freedom Travel.How may I help you? Caller:Yes,Id like to make a flight reservation for the twenty-third of this month. Travel Agent:Okay.(1)??????? Caller:Well.Im flying to Helsinki,Finland. Travel Agent:? Okay.Let me check what flights are available. And when will you be returning? Caller::uh,well,(2)?????? oh,and I’d like the cheapest flight available. Travel Agent:Okay.Let me see.Um,hmm... Caller:Yeah? Travel Agent:Well,the price for the flight is almost double the price you would pay if you leave the day before. Caller:Whoo.Let’s go with the cheaper flight.(3)?????? Travel Agent:It’s only $980. Caller:Alright.Well,let’s go with that. Travel Agent:Okay.That’s flight 1070 from Salt Lake City to New York,Kennedy Airport,transferring to flight 90 from Kennedy to Helsinki. Dialogue Two ??? A.please open your bag. ??? B.I’ll be staying in a room at a hotel downtown for the entire week. C.what is the purpose of your visit? Customs Officer:Next.Uh,your passport please. Woman:Okay.??? Customs Officer:Uh,(4)???????????? Woman:Im here to attend a teaching convention for the first part of my trip,and then I plan on touring the capital for a few days. Customs Officer:And where will you be staying? Woman:(5)?????????? Customs Officer:And uh,what do you have in your luggage? Woman:Uh,well,just,just my personal belongings,um... clothes,a few books,and a CD player. Customs Officer:Okay.Uh,(6)??????? Woman:Sure. Customs Officer:Okay....Everything’s fine.Uh,by the way,is this your f


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