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2014年“上外杯”上海市高三英语竞赛复赛 试卷册 文学文化常识 1. The “No” campaign won the __________ referendum on 19 September 2014 to keep the territory within the United Kingdom. A. English B. Welsh C. Scottish D. Irish 2. The __________ were the first known inhabitants of Britain. A. Iberians B. Beaker Folk C. Celts D. Romans 3. In the United States, the judicial is headed by __________. A. Congress B. the Supreme Court C. the Secretary General D. the President 4. ________ is America’s most important food crop. A. Corn B. Wheat C. Rice D. Barley 5. __________ is considered America’s unique contribution to the world. A. Country music B. Western music C. Rock and Roll D. Jazz 6. In 1788 Australia was settled by the British as a colony founded __________. A. to receive convicts from Britain B. to expand Britain’s imperial power C. to supply Britain with wool and food D. to receive free settlers 7. The origins of most Canadians are British and __________. A. German B. Dutch C. French D. Spanish 8. The capital city of Northern Ireland is __________. A. Wellington B. Cardiff C. Dublin D. Belfast 9. Which of the following is NOT the work by Charles Dickens? A. Tom Jones B. Oliver Twist C. Hard Times D. A Tale of Two Cities 10. Virginia Wolf was famous for __________. A. The Waste Land B. To the Lighthouse C. Waiting for Godot D. Brave New World 11. Emily Dickinson’s poetic idiom is noted for the following EXCEPT __________. A. directness B. obscure C. brevity D. plainest words 12. Robert Burns was a(n) __________. A. novelist B. poet C. playwright D. essayist 13. Robinson Crusoe is set in the __________ century. A. 15th B. 16th C. 17th D. 18th 14. The trumpet of a prophecy “O wind / If winter comes, can spring be far behind?” is from __________. A. Byron’s “The Isles of Greece” B. Frost’s “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” C. Keat’s “Ode to a Nightingale” D. Shelly’s “Ode to the West Wind” 15. Bacon’s __________ is the first example of that genre in English literature, which has been reco


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