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21. Tony is ___ fantastic pianist. Im absolutely certain that his concert this Sunday will be ___ success. A.a; a B.a; the C.the; the D.the; a 22.Its going to take ages to get to the airport this way.Cant you go ______? A.fast B.any faster C.fastest D.as fast 23.The artist was very proud of his creation and called it the best painting ___ he had ever done. A.whose B.which C.when D.that 24.In your life, sometimes you might end up back ______ you started. A.who B.when C.where D.which 25.Every December Nobel Prizes ___to people who have made outstanding contributions to the world. A.award B.are awarded C.awarded D.were awarded 26.The tour guide reminded people to be careful when ______ off the boat. A.stepping B.stepped C.to step D.step 27.—Oh, I want to give up now. —Come on! ______ doesnt kill you makes you stronger. A.Whichever B.Whatever C.Whoever D.Whenever 28.E-shoppers ______ to 300 million by the end of last year. A.had grown B.grew C.have grown D.grow 29.Last night the naughty boy climbed ______ the wall and jumped into the swimming pool only to find there was no water. A.across B.over C.through D.for 30.______ at the way he had been treated in the hotel, John complained to the manager. A.Having disappointed B.Disappointing C.Disappointed D.To disappoint 31.You should plan for things that ____ happen and not just react to things that have happened. A.need B.should C.must C.might 32.Im glad that you had a good time at the tea party.I wish I there ! A.have been B. was C.were D.had been 33.Waterfalls never fail to attract and in Guangxi Province are no exception A.they B.it C.those D.that 34. Coming back after four years of studying abroad.she was busy phoning her friends___together. A.getting B.to get C.get D.got 35.—Your family



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