3职场中的80,90后到底看重什么 things millennials want in a career3职场中的80,90后到底看重什么 things millennials want in a career.doc

3职场中的80,90后到底看重什么 things millennials want in a career3职场中的80,90后到底看重什么 things millennials want in a career.doc

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3职场中的80,90后到底看重什么 things millennials want in a career3职场中的80,90后到底看重什么 things millennials want in a career

3 things millennials want in a career (hint: it’s not more money) 钱不是很重要,职场中的80,90后到底看重什么? What’s the biggest incentive you can offer a millennial to come work for you instead of your competition? If you answered “more money” you need to rethink your strategy, because you might not be as attractive as you think for the generation that will soon become the majority of our workforce. 要想让一名80后或90后给你,而不是你的竞争对手打工,你能给出的最大的激励是什么?如果你的回答是“多给钱”,你就需要反思你的策略。原因是,在即将成为职场主力军的这一代人眼中,你或许并不如自己想象的那么有吸引力。 Millennials view the workplace through the same lens of new technology as any other aspect of their lives: instant, open and limitless. The era they have grown up in has shown them that nothing is a guarantee. Instability and rapid change are the norm. To millennials, time no longer equals money. It is a limited resource to be spent wisely and actively managed. 80后90后看待职场的角度就如同他们看待生活的许多其它方面,他们的视角是即时的、开放的、无限的。成长于这个时代的经历让他们懂得:没有什么东西是一成不变的。不稳定和快速变化已经成为常态。对于80后90后来说,时间和金钱不再划等号。时间是一个稀缺资源,需要聪明地使用和积极地管理。 To remain competitive, businesses need a fresh approach to compensation that reflects new values, attitudes and lifestyles. Perks such as free lunch and employee game rooms are great, but here are the three core values that really drive millennials in the workplace. 为了保持竞争力,企业需要采用全新的方式来设计薪酬安排,特别是要考虑新的价值、心态和生活方式。诸如免费午餐或员工游戏室这类福利当然是极好的,但真正能促进80后90后的职场表现的,其实是以下这三个核心价值: Bye, bye nine-to-fives 和“朝九晚五”说拜拜 Today’s young job seekers live in a world where physical presence is optional: Banking, renting movies, hanging out with friends, going to school, ordering dinner have all transformed from a ‘place you go’ to a ‘thing you do’ from any connected device. Millennials view work in the same way; not to be measured by hours at a location, but by the output of what you do. 在今天的职场中,坐办公室已经不再是天经地义的事了。存取款、租电影、和朋友聊天、上学、点餐这些以往需要你亲自到场的事情,现在只需要在任何一台联网设备上动动手指就能搞定。80后90后对工作也持有同样的态度:工作成绩不应该以坐在办公室的时间来衡量,而应该以工作的产出来衡量。 Today’s high-performing companies bake flexibility into the core of their corporate culture, lettin


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