Phrase translation.doc

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Phrase translation 投射出静谧的光 cast a restful light 在仪表上做手脚 rig meters 表达厌倦之情 convey weariness 违反条例/规定 violate rules 必须有辆车 entail having a car 断绝关系 sever relationship 补救/赔偿 make amends 再次确认邀请 substantiate the invitation 没有够着烟灰缸 miss the ashtray 整理房间 tidy the room 嘟囔着道了个歉 mutter an apology 说出自己的要求 voice one’s needs 演练和解的话 rehearse the conciliatory remarks 表达希望 state one’s wishes 就像一场真正的战斗 resemble a true combat 滴酒不沾 never touch a drop 蜡像馆 waxworks museum 体面的妆容 complexion of decency 伦敦塔 the Tower of London 正反两用的雨衣 a reversible raincoat 白金汉宫 the Buckingham Palace 航班号 a flight number 海关人员 customs men 慢慢穿针过去 ease the needle through 机场候机室 an airport lounge 品味那几秒的温情 savor those seconds of tenderness 打包用的粗线或绳子 binding twine 出发去访问 set out on a visit 经济舱机票 an economy ticket 和不三不四的人来往 mix with queer people 心里想着遥远的圣诞节 think faraway to the following Christmas 一路平安 I hope you have a safe flight. 追溯过去 an expedition into the past 克服飞机起飞前系上安全带时的惊慌 get over the shock of being strapped down for the take-off ···用一条粗绳加固捆绑着 be doubly secured with a new piece of binding twine 帮她母亲在出租车后座上舒坦地坐好 ease her mother right back on the taxi seat 第一个晚上过得还不错 The first evening passed well enough. Stitch at… hunch over her work 与其说是欣赏,倒不如说是来看看这些玩意多么不协调 Not so much to admire them as to see how incongruous they looked 在炉火边 at the fire ···叫我代他向你问好 send you his love 这时经济舱来回机票许可的滞留时间 That was the length an economy ticket allowed. 告诉···他们多次如何在她父亲发酒疯的时候几乎被置于死地 declaration about how near they’d been to death during many of her father’s drinking deliriums 袭击 descend on sb. 旋转衣架 (on) spinning hangers 他们的三角关系使得情况更加复杂 There was the added complication that they were a “trio”. 使今晚看起来还算比较得体 give a complexion of decency to the evening 正处於暗淡而缺少爱情的时段 be going through one of th


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